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[quote author="khstudio"]Jakob,
Can you or anyone more experienced than me help with my other Q's in my last post concerning the VCA - CV - 6 & 50mv?[/quote]

Sorry, i haven't run into the VCA problems, so I have no idea..

Jakob E.
Well, I really shouldn't have said problems... I'll try again.

I just want to learn something. What is the difference between 6mv & 50mv. It has to effect something... What? Is it dynamics, headroom, threshold of the VCA input or CV?
I have a dilemma what to buy since I can't get the exact things here in my town.

1. Power supply "2x15V or 2x18V, 4.5VA" written on the schematics but in the part's list it is mentioned 25VA ???

These two are the closest I can get to 25V or above:

- TOROID 2x18V 50VA 19$
- TOROID 2x15V 50VA 13$

3. Regarding the tantalums I can't get any 50VA here. There are the closest ones:
TANT 6,8uF 35V 20% R2,54,
TANT 0,47uF 35V 20% R2,54
Will this be OK or should I get something else?

4. About 50K linear potentiometers I can find only 47K. Is this OK?

5. Hi pass rotary switch 2x8 can't be found also, only 2x6. I guess I can just forget about adding the two positions for THRUST to Stephen's filter. Any suggestions?
1. Get the 2x15V 50VA. You can always go higher with the VA rating. You'll just have ALOT a spare juice for LEDs and lamps.

2. Where's question 2?

3. Yes, 35V tants are fine. The highest voltage in the GSSL is 15V.

4. Isn't 50K a common value? I'd recommend trying to find it.

5. The Steffen high pass only really needs one pole, not two. If the THRUST only needs 1 pole as well, then get a 1x12 switch and move the stop to the eight position. If you need two poles, you'll have to find one of those dual deck switches.

PS, not to be an ass, but please try and be more patient when waiting for responses. I work at an Electrical Engineering company during the day and sometimes I do not have the time to answer questions over and over again.
PS, not to be an ass, but please try and be more patient when waiting for responses. I work at an Electrical Engineering company during the day and sometimes I do have the time to answer questions over and over again.

Yeah, shame on me :oops:

I was just ordering some things and the guy at the shop was not very patient with me. Sorry for this...

BTW thanks for your help. :thumb:
Hi. My first post I believe. I'll come clean I'm an idiot at electronics and don't have a clue how to build one of these things. I'm a sound engineer and soldering multicores is about as adventurous as I get. I have a friend who is building me an SSL clone (he used to be a tech for SSL) and it's my job to get a meter. I have the DIY spirit as long as it's wood, I made a 2u box for it out of maple along with copper foil and I'm having a crack at the 3M Super77 along with reverse laser printing method for labelling it. Where can I get a meter in the UK? specific links would be nice as I haven't a clue! It's a 2 u box and I'm after something about 60x80mm (HxW) that is front mounting. Any help appreciated. Ted
Hey there TornadoTed,
welcome to groupdiy.
You will find that most of us (maybe I should just speak for myself) are here learning from the masters at this, who gladly take time from their busy lives to help us unexperienced however enthusiastic diyers.

My first tip for you is to look at the Meta's on top of the page. Overthere you will find pretty much all the info on the SSL Clone. But since this is your first post.... here is where you can get some very nice meters:
The presentor series is the one that I've been using on my last few clones and they are very accurate and reliable.
The Director series is meter on the SSL consoles. Be prepared to spend some good money for those.
I believe that I payed US$65 for my meter, but that included shipping.
Just order any of the ones you like with the sensitivity of 0-1ma.
but I'm sure more people are going to give you other ideas.

take care
Thanks, Greg!

A small comment:

4. About 50K linear potentiometers I can find only 47K. Is this OK?

Yes, 47K is the name in Europe for a 50K pot - we use the E3-series not only for resistors, but also for pots.
The 50K's are used as simple voltage dividers in the Gssl, so really anything from 22k to 100k would probably work.

Jakob E.
Would it be ok to run a 5volt 20ma Blue led (only one by itself) off the LED pads on the circuit board, maybe dropping the 1k a little?

#2, Would it be safe to add a switch to change the ratio's from stock - (inverting @ 10:1) to the corrected to match the front panel settings. I'm using the 100k to 127k mod recommended by Steffen which seems to work very good but on the drums I think I preffer the higher ratio's. Mine reads about 3:1, 6:1 & inf:1 stock (100k). I'm concerned about running a wire from this resistor to a switch & back because its in the sidechain signal path & from what I read on the THAT's website. They say to watch out because stray signal getting into the CV can degrade performance & not track as well because they're so sensitive.

Also, does anybody know how the 50mv to 6mv Control Voltage affects the VCA's? I've got 2 units set up differently & they're both kicking ass... just want to learn whats happening here.

I've done a bit of searching around and got totally confused. I've found these on the RS components website, you just need to copy the numbers below into the 'Find products' box at the top of the page.

Meter - 1968402
Bezel - 1968682
6 way switch (attack and release) - 665196
3 way switch (ratio) - 665219
Copper foil sheets (the enclosure is wood so I've been told I need copper foil to stop RF and such like - 680959

I already have an account with them so sourcing from them is easier than sourcing elsewhjere if these are suitable.

I'd be so grateful if somebody could check them out for me and let me know if they are what I need for the SSL clone in a 2u case. A friend is building the electronics for me but has left me to get these few bits and pieces. I built the case out of maple, looks stunning. Boy I feel out of my depth :roll:
By Greg
5. The Steffen high pass only really needs one pole, not two. If the THRUST only needs 1 pole as well, then get a 1x12 switch and move the stop to the eight position. If you need two poles, you'll have to find one of those dual deck switches.

Does any one of you know if thrust filter needs 1 pole or 2? What kind of rotary switch would accommodate Stephen's and thrust filter? I could not find 2x8 so far. Would 1x12 be OK?

I would like to get my last parts together and start soldering :grin: just few things missing :thumb:
Hey Greg,

have you checked at Western Union Bank for the money I sent?

I need to know this one asap so I can add your full middle name if needed in the WU bank tomorrow. What does your W. stand for? If you have this middle name W. in your personal documents than you better let me know it so I can tell this in WU bank otherwise they might not give you the money in USA.
For the thrust filter:

You only need one pole... ie one switch.

If you needed two things to switch simultaneously, then you'd need two poles.

Also, if you read the very first post in the thread you linked me, it answers your question. He talks about using a 1x12 switch to combine the high pass and the thrust... :thumb:
[quote author="Greg"]
Also, if you read the very first post in the thread you linked me, it answers your question. He talks about using a 1x12 switch to combine the high pass and the thrust... :thumb:[/quote]

You are right. Thanks.

What about the bank transfer?

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