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Thanks. I'll just update my parts list from 9 to 10. There is a discrepency, but go with what's on the PCB... it works like a charm !!!
thanks... I'll check mine out. I just received Greg's boards & I'm going back in :wink: .

I posted earlier asking a few questions...could you (or anyone) help me out. The link was to silentarts website. It's very cool he put all the info in one spot with instruction & pics but I'm wondering about a few things listed there.

Hey, youyou really think it will effect performance? It seems strange that the 215x series is ok & the 218x not. On the THATs website it doesn't really show much change to the CV when upgrading but I'm open & want to learn so I can do it right.

Im Freshman HERE

So many things about GSSL.....

I just got PCBs and Im gonna make 2 GSSL compressors..I got a 6 VCA 202c Modules so I would like to know few things??

What is best VCA to put as SIDECHAIN VCA..THAT , DBX, MODULE VCA?

What is THAT Price 2180 if I want to put it in side chain....?

Should I sell 2x DBX 202c VCA and buy that or old DBX 2150?

I have a question regarding the 100pF to 100nF change above the feedback cap in the VCA section. I will use the THAT 2181LB VCAs. Can someone explain a little if I need to make the change also and what this change does? Thanks.
@ roginator: The question of what VCA is the "best" gets asked a good bit. And this might not be the answer you're looking for, but there really is no "best" VCA. Just as a crappy analogy, it's kind of like asking "what's the best flavor of ice cream." The point I'm trying to make it's subjective. I've only used DBX 202C, DBX 2150, and THAT 2180LB... listed in order by which ones I like best.

A few folks around here have kind of racked their brains trying to determine which VCA to use, but IMO, it's not really worth the trouble.

Put the 202Cs in the signal path and either a 2150 or 2180 in the sidechain and you'll be a happy customer. :thumb:

Also, as Jakob stated, please take the time to read through the "Help Thread" and read through the META. Most, if not all, of your questions will be answered.
Thanks Roger.
Keep us updated. There are too many different ways of adjusting these things & to a fairly new guy it makes it hard. By the time you take it apart, unsolder & resolder, hook back up & listen it's SOMETIMES hard to tell which one's "better". It's also funny that even unmodified these things are full of color and are very useful but who the hell wouldn't want to make it BETTER? I like the idea of silentarts website of putting it all in one spot. It's a great idea but I'm still unsure all the info there is correct or the best way to go. I was actually going to do the same thing to help people out but it's hard to find the answers. I think people get tired of answering but this would STOP a lot of that.

Anyone knows what is the angle distance in degrees between steps on the Lorlin rotary switches? I am making the front panel design in Corel and this information would be very helpfull. Anyone?
First off, I don't understand why lots of people are using the 2181 when the 2180 is a direct replacement... is it a spec thing? :roll:

But anyway, I think that Kevin might be misunderstanding what these adjustments are doing. Let me see if I can explain this, and someone correct me if I'm wrong... I haven't used the 2181 I'm just trying to clear up what's been said.

First off, changing the 47K summing resistors is not the main tweak to set the ratios. This is, in fact, used to change the "drive" to the VCAs. Because too much signal to the VCA will cause the "ratio curves" to be really whacky. Perhaps this could cause unwanted saturation in the VCAs, I'm just guessing. I think the sidechain tweak (Steffen) or changing the 1K (SSLTech) are the two methods to actually change the ratios.

Anyway, I say set it... forget it... use it... love it... hate it... time for more DIY !!!
I would say because of less distorsion and trimming option ... what the hell do I know, I ordered THAT2181LBs also because of good price and someone mentioned that it doesn't really matter which one you put inside :roll:
I was confussed. Your post WAS helpfull. If you read the thread about the ratio's, Roger talked about his method... now when the topic says "How to correct Ratio's that's what I thought he was saying. I don't recall him saying he did the Ratio mods ALONG WITH the CV mod... actually, I've read here a lot and it's news to me about the CV mod.

My question is, if the CV is the same for both 215x & 218x then why isn't this talked about MORE & why isn't it compensated for already on the schematic, layout or the board. It just makes it hard since most are using the newer series VCA's. This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's hard to learn when you only get half the story.

Hey BTW, I got the sidechain boards... Thank you very much.

And , I've asked several times about shorting out where the 10k was and not one responce. More confusion. I really put some time & effort into how I word & apprach my questions so I can learn and not keep asking over & over but I'm getting there in little pieces & I'm very thankful for the help I do get.
I'll ask this ONE more time...

Has anyone here ever used, seen, tested or measured a "REAL" SSL (FX384(?) or the new XL series) Rack compressor to see how it works & what the voltages are & types of VCA's used?

Cool, that clears up a little :thumb:

Is the info on the link I posted correct or not? I don't mean to be a PITA but I've asked a few specific questions that are very important to me to learn & can't seem to get a COMPLETE responce... :sad:

I feel like the 2 units I've built are very close to sounding "right" & the more I understand, the better they'll be... I'll be specific:

How would YOU test & adjust the CV?

I've got the ratio mod down & can see & hear the differences.

Is Roger correct in saying that too high of a CV will overload the VCA's & screw up the curve? I think I'm hearing that. Should I follow his instructions?
Are you guys saying to use the 2180 (Pre-trimmed) over the 2181?

Thats what I'm using.

Roger, can I use a volt meter @ the CV input. Now, this is just for the main (Audio) VCA's & not the sidechain? or do I have to adjust for that also?

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