Guidance To Newbie Reading Material...

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone know of any articles/books dedicated to those of us literally just starting out. I'm looking for some reading material particularly related to the practical stuff - ie. reading schematics - as well as the necessary theory.

Just stuff to get me started...


P.S. I love this site!!
It's hard to beat The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill. It's a book you'll probably never outgrow.

But there's a zillion basic electronics books out there of varying usefulness. We can make our recommendations, but it's really up to you to decide which one best meets your needs. Reading reviews or content samples on Amazon, etc., or examing the books in person at the bookstore or the library is time well-spent before you plunk down the cash. Electronics texts tend to be expensive since it's a "specialty" market.
[quote author="NewYorkDave"]It's hard to beat The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill. It's a book you'll probably never outgrow.[/quote]

I just burrowed this book from a coworker, and I am finding it very useful. I took some circuits classes in school, but this book has a more hands-on approach and talks about shortcuts and ways to get a "feel" for what a circuit does.

While we are on the topic... Anybody with a suggestion on a good book for tube circuits?
I'm a newbie too.
I bought The Art of Electronics and it's a really good book but there is lot's of info there I'm not really interested in. Lot's of stuff about digital electronics and RF electronics. And there is no information on tubes

You can also try The Art of Linear Electronics by John Linsley Hood. It's got a lot of usefull info for people starting doing audio electronics. There's less math (i'd say not enough but some people dont seem to like math :grin: ) But a there's more detailed information on components and how they work. There are chapters on audio amps and on tubes.
i was looking for answers to questions...
I bought "The Art Of Electronics"...

Now i have even more questions :razz:
Answers are all in DA BOOK. :thumb:
For people with no background in college/University like me, and even in a foreign language, i learn every day some more.

Worth every Eurocent of what i payed for it.
:roll: Damn, they should send me one for free with all this plugs i do for them :twisted:
Look in the newbie META..
I placed a few links to threads about this subject

In addition - you can download the the Tonmeister Recording book..
Look at the Analogue electronics and Electroacoustics chapters...
You now have to pay for the book... (it was free before December last year)

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