That appears to be a gut shot of the G40V ,
I dont know if it comes from the factory like this or not ,
it looks very scrappy to me , theres a good chance overtime the wiring like that develop interference issues if things move around .
Other than thats its a more or less a hardwired tube amp , with only a few corners cut ,
I saw another version of the G40V with conventional EI XFormers .
The new input socket with good grounding arrangements is probably the best first step , before trying to track down anything else , that alone could even solve the problems ,
Cable ties might be used to better support the wires ,away from each other in some cases , to reduce unwanted interactions ,
Using a wooden or plastic chopstick to poke around the wiring in an amp , while the input gain is up is the simplest method to track down signs of instabillity , often a wire and its proximity to another cause an interaction , if the effect is bad you can end up with a horrendous screechy sound , often it will vary with positions of the controls so the amp tends break into osccilation at higher volumes