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Happy New Year for all people here!
:guinness: :sam: :guinness: :sam: :guinness: :sam: :thumb: :thumb:
Merry New Year!

May you finish all your projects. May they work the first time you power them up. May they sound like a million smackeroos. May all your kitties be shaven (has Dave wished that on us yet?). May you not have wierd dreams. :grin:

May you be blessed with great talent.
Happy New Year!

There's already fireworks going off here - I'm staying with my brother in Norway, and while it's your typical heavily-regulated western Europe country they still let you buy pro-level fireworks at the mall and then shoot them off in your backyard.
may all your kitties be shaven!

may all the strippers you date not be psychopaths but may you still enjoy the strippers you date that are psychopaths. May all the models you date not be jealous when they find out you are ******* a stripper on the side. May you be too busy with work and success to have to bother with either of the two aforementioned food groups.

may some record company release a good sounding record in '05. Just one.

may more of our worthless junk be all of a sudden worth ridiculous amounts of cash on ebay in '05.

may we all get the john lennon vocal sound.

may george lucas realize that it was cool that Han shot first and deliver us a movie this year that will not make the rest of the star wars generation boycott his dumb ass.

may digikey stock greyhill shorting switches.

may jim morrison's casket be empty when they move his grave (I think thats this year).

may howard stern have the most miserable, angst ridden and difficult 365 days of his broadcasting career, hoo hoo.

may all you dog owners get inspired to shave "fur chaps" into your pooch's legs.

may there please please please be a magnum PI reunion show this year which concludes with magnum accidentally running over zeuss and apollo as he slams the ferrari in reverse trying to rush down to rick's bar (now a gentlemen's club) to break up a fight between TC and friggin' Isaac (who rick hired to tend bar, duh) over which is the bigger has been 80's token black guy character from a series.

may art bell keep giving us something to look forward to for another year.

A wonderful 2K5 to all! I've got a good feeling about this year! Best of luck to everyone.

:guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness:

And I hope like hell my country doesn't bomb any others this year.
[quote author="electronaut"]And I hope like hell my country doesn't bomb any others this year.[/quote]
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
... and I hope my country doesn't blindly follow yours
Happy New Year All,

Thanks for much patience, interesting posts & invaluable information. And may this year I actually get the time to finish somethineg!! :green: :green:

Happiest of New Years to all, and thank you so much for all your help. Gyraf, NYD, CJ, PRR, and all the rest: You guys have taught me so much.

My biggest DIY project ever will be popping out and into the world in about 12 days. May he (and all our children) live in a world better than the one we are creating today.

:sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam:
Hey Gang! Enjoy the New Year. I hope everything starts coming back together for everyone on this planet. May Earth start to gain back distance from Mars and it's bad energy.

May Bush get his oil and put Iraq back in one piece, before the decade's end.

Let's keep learning, keep teaching, keep pondering, keep on truckin'. Let's keep doing our respective things in this community.

Wishing you all the best,

p.s. Kensington Audio site this year.
[Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:00 am]
Happy new DIYear! I love you all! :wink:


Happy New Year everyone!

All the best for 2005, and have lots of DIY fun and creativity,

DIY audio forever!!!!

:thumb: :guinness: :cool: :sam:

Happy 2005!

Make some good gear, and (more importantly?) have lots of fun using it and write some great music!

Best wishes to all men and pussy.


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