In the case of something like that, the power supply probably still needed addressing. If a short causes a buzz, more than likely the reservoir caps are nearly done for and the increased load on the power supply (due to the failed transistor) is increasing the ripple from an already out-of-spec level. In my shop, if there is a buzz, my policy is to immediately recap the power supply (and usually the entire unit) because 99% of the time, this will solve the problem and 100% of the time, it's part of the problem. If the unit is more than 15 years old, a recap should be done as preventative maintenance anyway.
I have never seen anything in the output stage cause a buzz in the half decade I've been repairing and restoring recording equipment full time.
(as a side question for Mich) What sort of mains power do you use in Israel?
- Thats a very good practice.
i just fixed the output and kept the same 4700uF electros....
your approach is obviously better(thinking of the future)...
we get 220V AC from the wall here.