House for sale - includes RCA mixing console...

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I contacted the guy.  Im gonna go check the place out. Im getting married in august, and weve been looking for a place.  Theres a 2" tape machine in there too. I cant wait to see what hes asking for the place fully loaded.
I certainly will, I'm going to try and go over there this weekend or early next week for a tour of the house.  The owner (Don Casale) seems like a very nice guy.
That's just like the old console from IAR!  We learned routing by patching HP signal gens and VTVM's in and out of it.
It is all 312's and 550's built on what looks like a shop bench.
Just remember- location, location, location.  Of the console I mean.
So I just spoke with Don about the whole thing, and this is just a crazy situation (and one that i never thought would happen).  But I'm going to be going over there soon to check things out.  He was telling me the entire board has 2520's some of which may need replacing, the EQ's may need some re-capping (he never really used them... opting instead to use API outboard eq's)  The tape machine functions nicely and has been well maintained (i dont think i could upkeep a 2" machine... much less find 2" tape at any reasonable rate... but I'd love to pound some drums into that thing)  The patch bays are original and need to be re-worked (which is to be expected since the thing is from the late 60s... can only plug and unplug so many times before physical breakdown occurs)  I'll post pics after i get the "tour". :)
Found an old pic of the board...


That thing is a BEAST!!
sodderboy said:
pucho812 said:
schematics if ya can ;)

The building blocks are 550 and 312- what else do you need?  The flow and routing are dated to a point where you would re-work them anyway.
Prollem is getting those noice vu meters

good point. I would probably replace them with some sifams anyway
pucho812 said:
good point. I would probably replace them with some sifams anyway

Nooooooooo.  Sifam ain't what they used to be.

Hoyts are REALLY nice for a few bucks more.  Jeff at classicAPI sells a sick custom Hoyt VU, not sure what size it is though.  Made in the USA (I think Sifam is in Inda now?).

lassoharp said:
emrr said:
Historic console.

Yeah, would seem to point at Dylan's Nashville Skyline, among many others.  Crazy.

There were three or four that went at the auction when RCA closed in NY.  It could be one of them.  It must need heapum-big restoration.  Brings back memories of that wood live room tossed in dumpsters. One of many losses in NYC.
This console was from studio B from the RCA studio in Nashville (not the original console that is now in a museum) but the one that replaced it.  I got the tour today... Was quite something to see that setup... The wife to be and I are still discussing what to do. The house needs a LOT of work for her to be happy. The studio setup is a little tight, but I could def make it work, with a little aesthetic re-touching...  I couldn't believe some of the gear in there... seriously.  The lunchbox of original 550's... i didn't get a lot of pics, the guy would have though i was some kinda creeper or something but i did get a couple close ups of the EQs and meters and board.

There seriously was gear hidden all around the house.  In one closet there were at least 50 2" master tapes... stuff from the rascals and other bands that i recognized... there were pics of him when he was at Decca. Just classic stuff everywhere.



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