I'm looking to make a 414 style mic using this circuit. I want to add a pad, high-pass and pattern switch but I'm not sure where I would connect them and how. Are there any suggestions on how to go about this?
Why THAT particular circuit? If anything, your bigger headache WILL be the mechanical side - i'm not sure the mic body that board set was designed for, CAN physically fit any switches, so...
If you can't use that body / PCB, why get stuck on that "circuit" (as opposed to using the original circuit, which that one's inspired by)? Also, the one you linked is for a cardioid-only mic, so for multipattern you'll need either an insulated-backplate capsule, or a much more intricate switching arrangement, both of which will require more physical room to begin with, so...
Try modding a Takstar TAK55 or SM-18 PRO microphone, whose bodies follow the shapes of the C414 archetype. They have all the switches that you asked for built in. And then try to fumble that EB circuit in, like @Khron proposed.
@Trystin Stobbart
First decide on the model, scheme, capsule, with or without transformer, taking into account the budget, sources of parts, etc.
There were many versions...even EB..
The biggest problem is getting a good capsule...