How does Coppermine work?

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2005
Not having been brought up on Gameboys and never having played a computer game in my life, where you become expert at finding secret levels etc.  I find myself at a total loss with the Coppermine links in old posts.
Take this one for example:-

It takes you to the site, but there is no clue as to where it is in the thousands of files therein.

help please ???
I am glad I am not the only one to find this a nightmare to navigate. I have often found links to New York Dave's excellent work only to be faced by a frustrating half hour not finding what I want.

I am sure it would be painfully obvious if only we knew.


I always try to use imgur for hosting images now. It's never down, it's free and no ads or logins. The images stay around forever a long as they get one view every six months. you can even create albums with captioning.
Coppermine is generic image-album software.

Your complaint is really with the admin at who set-up the URLs and paths.

It appears that *something* changed over the many years he has graciously hosted images for this forum.

Note that the example you offered:
Now redirects to:

The "groupdiy" has moved from hostname to subdirectory.

The album and user syntax is also different.

Someone knows who runs and should bring him into this discussion.
My question was to find out whether it was because I was not sufficiently computer savvy to understand the workings of the site, turns out it was not just me which was a relief :-\
I think we are all grateful to whoever set up the image hosting site before the days of photobucket etc.
But a constant call is for people to use the excellent search facility on our site, otherwise you are answering the same old questions all the time.  If a search leads to a coppermine deadend then it kind of defeats the purpose.
Hopefully, Ethan might know more about who set this up, there is certainly a mine of information in there, but it's cutoff by a "rockfall" at present.
It's not different from crosswords really.

Let's use the example link:

The number "10055" is a unique id of the user. If we go to any user gallery from the front page, this is the kind of syntax we now have:

Now browse for the file you were looking for. It seems this particular one has been removed. The user is gus, you could ask him.

PS. If the unique id of the user has changed between these two syntax's, then all those old links are quite useless. For example, I can't be sure if "10055" was actually gus in the old syntax.