How Many Hoops (must an old geezer jump)

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
In another thread, I have been seeking suitable off the shelf enclosures for building small audio projects. @MidnighArrakis kindly suggested the Japanese company Takachi and he even provided me a link the their European distributor Misumi based in Germany. Looking through their web site I found a couple of very interesting Takachi enclosures so I thought I would buy some. First I needed to download the datasheet and CAD drawings so I could get the right part number but to do this you first have to register as a CAD user. OK, no biggie. I do this and can see the info I need. So I decide to order a couple to play with. I pop them in my basket but when I get to checkout I find I first have to register as a corporate buyer. So I do this and wait a couple of days. Then I get an email to say I need to sign this form to say I won't sell anything to Russia etc so I fill in the form and send it back. So, today I get another email thanking me for filling in that form but asking for proof of corporate status (company number of tax return) and they demand that I reply TODAY.. I am just a guy building stuff in the shed at the bottom of his garden. So I emailed them explaining who I am and what I do along with a link to my website

All I want to do is to buy a couple of enclosures!


2024 ... sad !
There are quite a lot of shops now that won't sell to you unless you have a business. For instance, Mouser in France...
i've been buying from mouser and shipped to France regularly. Last time was in July I think, have they changed their policy?
Maybe it's for specific parts only ... ? I placed an order today and no problem so far ... but some time ago I had to prove the order was for some sort of company for them to clear and ship it. For large hammond boxes / chassis. Weird !
I got a reply to my last email to them.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your interest in MISUMI , the global manufacturer and leading supplier of mechanical components for special purpose machinery and assembly automation.

According to our terms and conditions we exclusively supply our products to companies under § 14 of the German Civil Code. We do not supply to private individuals.

Unfortunately, we must assume that you have signed up as a private individual. Therefore, we will have to refuse your registration.

However, in case you are signing up as a commercial customer, please start the registration process again and provide a trading licence by e-mail.

We will thereafter meet your request immediately.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

Best Regards,

Your MISUMI Team

Edit: I have now contacted Takachi directly.


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I am just a guy building stuff in the shed at the bottom of his garden.

This may be the "problem". Some companies arent geared towards smaller quantity buyers.

You could tell them you need a "sample of x cases", and expect to have a production of a small quantity of x units year 1, but expect to be scaling up to x2 on the production run.

Maybe it's for specific parts only ... ? I placed an order today and no problem so far ... but some time ago I had to prove the order was for some sort of company for them to clear and ship it. For large hammond boxes / chassis. Weird !
i had this problem with a power transformer once. They said they wouldn't sell it to me because... reasons. So i ordered the same part form RS and got delivered next morning...
i had this problem with a power transformer once. They said they wouldn't sell it to me because... reasons. So i ordered the same part form RS and got delivered next morning...
LOL, I know what you mean. Farnell actually sells some Takachi enclosures but unfortunately not the ones I want.


Your story and especially the part cincerning russia makes me think that some companies are flaged because they make 'dual use goods' that the russians or other countries under international sanctions might want to source from convoluted sources. Probably the whole line of products is then flaged as dual use because its easier.

But still, i wonder why a single 2x15v transformer or an aluminum enclosure would be a threat. While we can order as many uControllers as we wish which are the real hard part to get for these countries. :rolleyes:
There are evidently many companies out there with this same policy. I once needed some specialty fasteners, that proved very difficult to source. A couple of companies who carried them had minimum orders of something like ten thousand pieces, and were not willing to budge. Thankfully, I found one who'd sell me a few hundred.

I think the "corporate mindset" misses the big picture here, which is "the entity that needs a dozen today may well be the same entity that needs ten million tomorrow," and guess where they're NOT gonna buy them from...