How much to paid for Neve 1073 (DIY project) ?

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Active member
Dec 2, 2004
Hi I'm new to the Lab. I'm interesting in building my own version Neve 1073 . What should be the price that I have to pay for 1 ch. Neve .From my reseach the most expensive part in the unit is Transformer. Am I right and what is the one to go ....Sowter 8751 or Charnhill re-issue? Anybody can help me out ?
What input-TX do you plan to use ?

Where are you located ? Might influence things w.r.t. shipping - like ordering from UK or from our forum-hosts or from AU (the upcoming JLM-TX).

You're going for a full 1073 or just mic-pre ?
And want a line-inp-TX as well ? (probably not)


Transformers are the most expensive items, with rotary switches coming in second. Although I suppose you could end up spending more than switches on the power supply depending on how you go about it. It's much less costly and complicated to do the mic pre only, or just a mic pre with HPF like Duka's version.

For output TX the only options I'm aware of are Sowter and Carnhill. For input there are many options. See these websites for more info: transformer info.htm
I thought that the reason people were not building 1073's was because the inductors were not available, has that changed since the last time I investigated?