I never really got comfortable with circuit simulations, it seemed like there was a catch 22 where you had to know what you didn't know to program the simulation to account for what you didn't know..?
I like to say:
Design it on a cocktail napkin, and prove it will work, FIRST!
Then let the idiot assistant derive an 8-digit value for "works".
oddball multi-pole cascaded filter sections
Right. I can show on the napkin that a filter will "work", and that F varies with these parts and Q varies with those parts. Or these-and-those parts, all interact-y.
But to compute the exact response, with component variations, requires drinking too many martinis (to get enough coktail napkins). That's where a stupid computer helps.
Another filter problem: empirically-designed tone controls. The James and Baxandalls are easy to figure, but the Fender tonestack is whacked. Can't call it stupid: been in continuous production for discerning users for almost 50 years. I can approximate it on napkin (
and Kuehnel has a rigorous matrix-solution {which would be too labor-intensive before computers}), but drop it in SPICE and you can see the actual shape.
subtle component quirks like with the good old cheap 3086
We are at the mercy of the models. Which, even more than data-sheets, put the best face on an imperfect part, and omit the naughty-bits.
The 3086 could be awful funky.
And then there are pentode vacuum-tube models. Often the screen current has nothing to do with reality, except in a very conventional circuit not driven to clipping. Even then, I was startled last week when a real 6550 sucked an Ig2 only 2:1 off from a model I had. Normally it hardly matters; I was dorking with an absurd loading and a goofy G2 supply where G2 current mattered (but in good cocktail-napkin thinking, not enough to make it stop working).
However, SPICE encouraged me to optimize for the model. When I beat on an actual tube, I decided I liked a different optimization. And when I then tried 5 different tubes from different factories and decades, 4 worked the same and the 5th worked 10% better, and a different-type tube worked 5% worse. Optimizing for the model gave a very fussy condition (1.000 versus 1.001 indeed) while working with actual tubes quickly led to a condition which all actual tubes liked. (Well, not SO quickly... I kept going back to what SPICE liked, instead of observing reality.)
I must say: when I measured power transformer regulation on the prototype, and put it back in SPICE, power output and approximate THD were right-on, near-enuff. And when I tried cathode resistors from 100 to 470, and loads from 5K to 20K, it tracked the saggy breadboard. If you know all the answers, and can stick them in SPICE, it sometimes agrees with reality.
these phone calls saying "your part oscillates!"
My SPICE sim didn't oscillate. My prototype did. The nice thing about the prototype: by sticking a graphite pencil in it, I could get totally bizzare changes of squeal. That quickly narrowed-down the area of interest to two wires maybe too close, I shoved one, problem cured. (OK, I shut-down and re-dressed the wires 3 times further apart than the barely-fixed distance, then moved a ground wire between them.)
"your part oscillates!"... the person hadn't actually built anything yet...
The person should not even be playing with electronics, if the person can't tell reality from fantasy.
Which is a problem for the younger generation of EEs. They don't play with real devices nearly enough, even for Graduate Thesis. I had a couple Honors EE kids in the electronic music lab, they needed one more fixed low-pass. I tossed them a box of caps and told them the synth had 1K output impedance everywhere. They didn't understand. When I explained, they said they didn't think it would work. They'd developed and demonstrated a bucket-brigade pitch-shifter (when B-B devices were just sampling), with the active filters such contraptions need, but couldn't picture a simple passive low-pass.
Oh: their pitch-shifter worked only a few seconds an hour. Their breadboard was MUCH too sloppy. They'd actually gained a lot of skill at "find the short". They could find 2 shorts per minute. Unfortunately the white hole-board was SUCH a mess, that it tended to accumulate 2.2 shorts per minute.
Back In The Old Days (uphill both ways through the snow winter and summer), we couldn't be so sloppy. When you do a cat-whisker radio, the cat doesn't give you a second chance.