Here's some acoustic guitar. I've attached a picture of the setup. The guitar is upright on a stand to ensure the same distance. I have to sit on my knees and play in a weird position and I'm not a guitar virtuoso to begin with. The microphone is my own U47 circuit with EF12, cardiod through the old 2U Focusrite ISA. The microphone is intentionally quite close looking straight towards the sound hole.
In this test I was quite gentle with the microphone since I usually play strong intense chords. The slight proximity and a lot of direct sound is not easy for a microphone to handle. This way I instantly hear the whole spectrum, the ability for the microphone to separate the tones, reveal harshness and buildup in the low end or a collapse of the soundstage.
I included a Neumann Berlin M7 reskinned by Drefahl. They all sound very close (and very good!). K47V is smoother than the Sennheiser K47 I have and therefore closer to the M7 in sound.
I don't have any singer around at the moment and I won't publish my own voice, even though I'm ok at faking a crooner (a bit out of key) and quite good at imitating David Byrne (fits better out of key). I find it a bit hard to evaluate microphones with voice. You can hear which sounds best on that particular voice but it doesn't say much on a general level. In this setup I think it would be hard to hear major differences with a male voice but I understand you concern with sibilants. If you are worried about that K47 flat is the best choice, especially with a U47. I'm not so fond of K47 equipped U47s. Too much upper mids and therefore often sibilant.