How to clone from schematic?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2010
San Franciscofornia
Can anyone share some info on this? Are there any online resources with this kind of info?

I did multiple searches but nothing turned up anything relevant to the act of having a schematic and turning it into gear. I'm hoping to do the "Night EQ" as a foray into this next level of DIY but need a little advice on where to start.

Thanks in advance and happy holidays,
I'm not sure exactly what to say here....

What exactly would you like explained? The process is fairly straight forward. If you are going to make a pcb layout, you redraw the schematic in the editor of your choice, choosing the size and shape of components you want to use that are available and then lay out a board.

You most likely won't find any info on "how to take a schematic and turn it into gear".

Step one, know all the relevant schematic symbols
Step two, learn a schematic capture/pcb program
Step three, do it to it
I don't know the Night EQ, but  A lot of builds can be built point to point or on perfboard. If done well it can actually look quite professional, and of course works as well as a PCB. Really good for tube & transformer projects.

In many cases you can follow the schematic and turn it more or less into the layout - putting the 'real' components where they are on the schematic. Then juggle them about to get a good fit, connect the wires, then fix the faults. :D

DIY but need a little advice on where to start.
Start with building something small and work your way up!
Nothing beats experience! Start from any simple circuit and do it on breadboard: stompboxes, active DI, headphone amp, active unbalanced / balanced interfaces, simple PSUs, ambulance led lights, everything-is-ok alarms etc.;) You'll find out there is a lot more to it with more complex projects where grounding topology and other stuff that is not directly visible on the schematics will affect the results. Doing It Yourself will teach a lesson or hundred and starting with simple projects will make learning curve mellow enough. Cheers!

edit: and of course pop open every box you have and compare them with schematics! or try to reverse engineer simple circuits, compare pictures of projects on this forum with the schematics etc. Stompboxes!

Better start out with something simple like a stompbox or a DI design just to get the feel of it and do the
beginner mistakes before taking on larger projects.

Bo Hansens DI is simple to layout even on breadboard and is a really useful thing
You need some electronic knowledge to understand the schematic, at least some basic knowledge..

So you can break down the circuit into functional blocks, which is a necessary step to make a good layout, also necessary to route the various grounds
zebra50 said:
...A lot of builds can be built point to point or on perfboard. If done well it can actually look quite professional, and of course works as well as a PCB...
If you "build it right", perfboard builds are pretty bulletproof, more than PCB builds. But, such builds are much much harder to repair or service.
WOW! I love the "Ask, and you shall receive" without all the guff (like on gearslutz)!

I can't thank you guys enough. That's exactly what I needed to hear. I've got a few weeks of downtime to continue to solidify my electronics knowledge and get super comfortable with reading schemos.

tmuikku said:
Nothing beats experience! Start from any simple circuit and do it on breadboard
This sounds like a good way to go. I think I'll have at that for a few.

Is Eagle the way to go for layout software?
deuc224 said:
What are you thinking of cloning JB if u dont mond sharing? (ViPre?!!!!!)

Well I guess i'm gonna start with a few breadboarded PSUs and simple stuff to get some chops. Then who knows.... I just love this hobby. If musical inspiration isn't banging down my door, I'm making gear. I'm a dance music producer 1 man band so I really don't use pre-amps as often so my interests are more in compressors, EQs, Transient Designers, and modular analog synth stuff.

This disease is getting really bad though, instead of going out to nightclubs and events I probably should for networking purposes, I'm finding myself with my nose buried in PCBs and various builds. ;D
Hi JBVries,

if you're interested in modular synth too, one great ressource is electro-music forum. Lots of circuits and projects and same kind of spirit as here!

I've found the MS20 filter a great first 'schematic to board' project, with interesting sound and relative cheap components bill...
KrIVIUM2323 said:
Hi JBVries,

if you're interested in modular synth too, one great ressource is electro-music forum. Lots of circuits and projects and same kind of spirit as here!

I've found the MS20 filter a great first 'schematic to board' project, with interesting sound and relative cheap components bill...

Thanks Kr. I have been over there but not really dug into the forums all that much. I'll check it out.
After having done this a few times, it is not difficult, but IS a lot of work.......

Follow the schem carefully & check the board twice after laying out the PCB. It is really frustrating trying to work out a fault after the fact.

If you are working on a unit with no power supply, make sure your bench supply is a good stable regulated one. Check the phantom is good (from past experience.....)

Keep inputs & outputs away from each other.

If you are doing home etching, try & use 1mm traces. If it is a valve/toob project, use 2mm traces for the heaters, 1mm for the rest. Generous pad sizes also help make home etching easier. If there is a "fill" facility in your PCB layout programme, use it so that there less copper to get rid of, it also shortens etching time (& frustration....)

I always add extra PSU filtering on the board if the PSU is external and there are multiple channels running off one PSU.

Build prototypes & keep good documentation of each. Carefully numbering the prototypes is good too.

