Hybrid Mic Preamps

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Oct 19, 2004
Inner Space
Have any of you ever tried combining sections of preamps. In other words a 127teetoo with a Jensen 990 input transformer and a Tube stage output. I know that some of these would go against replicating certain "sounds", but how about just trying to make something "new" that sounds good. Perhaps the character of the 31267 input x-former with an API or SSL circuit.

Although I truly know very little about "designing a circuit", I intend to try a N*ve with some kind of tube gain. You know...some evil bastard that will probably not sound like anything in particular, but may sound good in its own rite.

Maybe there's alreasy something out there??? Any and all ideas or comments regarding this subject are greatly accepted!

Perhaps I'm not making sense (just ask my wife!).

I guess what I'm talking about is combining aspects of certain Mic pres that you like to creat something completely different. Not necessarily a 1270tube, but a NEW pre that had a completely different sound. All the parts are just tools to get you to a final destination. If the sound is in the iron, just use the iron and then add something else you like afterwards and so on.

I have built a dual 1272 and am working on a Slowblow tube pre. I can't say that I'm incredibly impressed with the N*v*, but I have no frame of reference in that I have never heard the original.

For instance, the Focusrite Liquid Channel is all of these combinations of copies of gear. Has anyone ever made an analog version of this. Like a op-amp driven mic pre where you could inject a tube. Or vice versa.

I know I'm just shooting in the dark, but I'm wondering about other DIY projects, bastardizations and abominations others have created. There is a use for everything even if it just servers as a bad example or a paper weight.
