instrument op-amp?

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Feb 9, 2006
What is the difference between an instrument op-amp (INA126) and any other kind of op-amp ( 741, TL062)? In my limited understanding I only know about perameters like, bandwidth, output, current consumption.
Do you mean an instrumentation amp?

An instrumentation amp is a circuit that includes three or more op-amps arranged for a differential input with high input impedance and CMRR.

This covers the basics:
hmm, That is interesting. I always assumed they were just another type of opamps like JFET input and such, an opamp optimized for a specific need. Never really put any thought into them, never had any interest in them, for some reason this peaked my interest. I guess once I get a peak inside something I just got to know how it works.
I'm a Instrumentation Tech... hands of my Op amps.. J.K.

We just toss the boards or send them back to get repaired because the boards like $100K new or $25K Referb.

I grabbed a few out the trash a couple weeks ago and they did have some strange numbered Op amps. most our stuff is gone to PLC type inputs because there cheap. The MFG's now just make software that interfaces to the cheap hardware I/O.