Is this Blackmail?

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JLM Audio

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
Brisbane Qld Australia
Anybody have a clue who this clown is?

This is a series of emails from a Goran Josifovski who has tried to ripe off our 1272 to 1073 module from the photo's on our web page. I have no trouble with him reverse engineering from the photo's if he has the knowledge to do so for himself. But the bit in the last email "if u dont give me schematic this will be on net for free" I think is called blackmail.

Well he is right about one thing it is on the net for free but don't make it as it has at least 9 mistakes in the PCB tracking that I can see without even looking to close at it.

[GJ] I need schematic for swithc 1073 to1272
tnx for ansver in avance

[JLM]Hi Goran
Not sure what you are looking for? I think you want a 1073 schematic?

[GJ]I need schematic diagra for this

[JLM]Hi Goran
Do you have one of our modules that needs repair? If so all you need is to supply us the serial number written on the back of the switch and we can supply you with the circuit diagram.

[GJ]I have this one
i need schematic to finish it
about 8 resistors

[GJ]no number on the swithc :((

[GJ]I have this free for all :))
if u dont give me schematic this will be on net for free

Joe :shock: :sad:
So, now you put it for us for free. These people... :roll:

I guess he is not from here. If he was, he would be able to do his own NEVE clone, without copying anyones boards... like me. :green:
Seems to me that you are just building something that Neves designed, so tell Goran to ask Sir Rupert for the original plan.

What is this? The 3-transistor low-level preamp plus a gain switch, with connections to link to the output driver? He should be embarassed to ask/beg/demand plans for that. You have the preamp schematic on your site. The gain-set values, if not aready posted somewhere, only need a few minutes of slide-rule time.

Blackmail? His english is shaky enuff that I'd hesitate to assume he means what he wrote. I agree I can't read it any other way, but it is mightly lame blackmail. It isn't like he knows about your secret lovers, or the work you do for the KGB, or that you design Behr*ger boxes under an alias. On the face of it, it is an obviously ugly, and probably incomplete and wrong, tracing.
I 'll double that dumb ass!!! I mean its gain stage and a parallel attenuator or gain risistor switch right ? I'd direct him at the forum so we may taunt him many more times !!!!


> at least 9 mistakes in the PCB tracking

I don't know your layout, and even so I see he got about as many connections wrong as right.
[quote author="Scenaria"]please dont direct him here...we dont need him here...[/quote]

I second that motion...
Joe, if you feel compelled to respond to his email, just replay with "moron."

If you're able to take a look into your logs to find the IP of this "character" please let me know so that I can keep a look out, as we definitely don't need that kind of attitude around here.

Joe, don't even spend a minute worrying about someone like him.
and I KNOW I'm not alone in thinking that etching and soldering job is pathetic at best to use it as a threatening asset. Obviously if he is trying to threaten you for the schematic, he really has no clue.
[quote author="MikoKensington"]Shakin' in your boots, huh Joe? :wink: [/quote]
... trust me ... Joe doesn't shake easily, even when the big guns come out to play.

As far as the freeby goes, with perhaps as many as 9 errors on the board I guess we should be happy that we can direct all questions to :
[email protected]

Joe , just let the guy go and ignore him.
oh my god joe, the ass clowns circus has come to brisbane! dont lose sleep, just be excited that you get to see firsthand, the charades of the chief captain of the ass clowns himself, sir Rudolpho Analous. Amazing, aint he? Occasionally I get an email like that in response to some schematics I have posted on my site. I take it with cheer because nothing beats the ass clown side show, especially after you've had a long day and you know, arent really expecting to be entertained.

Three cheers for the ass clowns!

Just ignore that guy, thats the best thing. Replying, no matter what you have to say, positive or negative, is just fuel for the circus. Ignore, and he;ll go away. I mean, think logically, if YOU were gonna rip someone off, would YOU send an arrogant email to the guy you are ripping off? didnt think so, therefore, any kind of logical assesment of the ass clown side show, pretty mcuh doesnt apply, right?

comedy makes the world go 'round!

that's a nick from that Beardinger dude innit?
:green: :green: :green:

We're all behind you. Send us a ticket for the plane and we'll be in Brisbane in no time!

I bet this guy is 16, shure looks like the brain of a 13 year old...

Cheers, even to him, one day he'll understand...

Tony dB
Joe is from Brisbane.
I was more into defending him overthere (as i never was in Australia before :green: ) then assuming mr Clowns address being there...

Only joking of course. We shouldn't pay much attention to clowns that one in petucular.



PS the offer for a DIY defensiveteam down under still stands :green:
Go to, search malkjos. Name shows up in a cellular support forum. Someone here can access the Yahoo email list to confirm this right? Goran, Goran, Goran. Blackmail, FBI? At the minimum it is harassment. He may be doing this to other Pro audio Manufacturers. His intention is to Affect your livelihood by threats of releasing your product to the public. Forward the correspondence to yahoo maybe they can direct you to the source due to the nature of the e-mail.

Joe, although I have not purchased a JLM product I respect and support your business. Your High Quality and reputation are Global in the Pro Audio industry. Clowns like this with these oh so crafted plans are dime a dozen. Hey, Maybe we should give up everything now to this guy. Maybe not!!

Face to face Goran your not getting anybodies lunch money. Planets not that big, nets not that easy to hide on. Time to dig yourself a big hole Goran, if that is your real name.
It's not an aussie
This is the guys home page with phone number.....
USB flasher, I wonder who he stole that from ?
Sorry about sugesting we send this dumb ass to this forum to ridiquling


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