JLM Size Toggles In UK/ Help!

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2004
I,m in the uk and struggling to find the miniature toggle switches that will fit the JLM 99v switch panel. We went through the entire RS stock at the rs trade counter but couldn't find anything in stock with pins small enough to fit the pcb. I've scoured the Farnell site and can't seem to find the right one, Maplin have a switch the right size but it has solder to lugs and not pins. Anyone have a part number or supplier who sells anything in the uk that fits the pcb?
Vikki(uk) :shock:
Joe told me he orders those 1000 at a time direct from the manufacturer or something like that. I can never find right angle toggles like that with threaded bushing in the catalogues, but you most certainly should be able to find ones with plain bushing that fit. Looks like C&K?? I don't know really, Joe should answer this thread sooner or later.
Jaycar have the doubles

CAT. NO. ST0365


does the link work ?
sorry about the page stretch

never mind
... I did some code editing, trial and error stuff
and got this to work

switch part

that's better
I am pretty sure that Vikki is talking about these switches for the JLMSW that is used with the 99v kit not the go between ones.


I have both types of toggle switches for $2.50AUD each if anyone cannot find them locally.
Thanks everybody for the replies. Much appreciated. spent another few hours trying to track them down here in UK to no avail. So I will order from JLM. Joe please check your email so that I can order them before I go to bed...it's 12.35am in UK now!!

Night All
Vikki (UK)
Many thanks Bob, Tekay, Mhelin and everyone else who replied.

I had Farnell 380 0740 as the nearest I could find but looking at the data sheet I think the 2mm pins might be too big, I think I'll have to get some good measuring tools. I did think of doing away with the switch board and RS have some toggle switches with built in LEDS that looked attractive. I ordered the ones from JLM last night so I'm hoping they won't be toooo long in arriving. I think I can try the preamp by just linking out the switch connections with a bit of wire. I just hope the preamp lives up to the anticipation of getting it working! :oops:
Many thanks once again for all your help and encouragment.
