Kick Drum Speker Mic

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This is the way to do it...
Inspired by this thread, I took a guitar cab to a recording session this weekend. It's a 15" weber speaker in a open back cab. Set it in front of the kick drum and used a Bo Hansen DI into a Jensen 990 preamp. It was very awesome.
I was using a D12e as the main mic which was giving a fantastic, defined sound. The subkick speaker added a super low bottom.
I just added the triad fs24-250 (wired 120/24) as suggested by CJ to my home made lick mic. I found the output level way to hot for my board, so I added a 20 db balanced "H" pad (250/250 ohm, from what resistors I had on hand) and that seems to have made the levels more reasonable. I will be trying it out on a real kick soon...

what kind of speaker are you using?
sounds like you are getting a good level out of it,

I've only given this the "light tap test" with my finger so far.
No oscillations from what I can tell.

The speaker is probably much more than needed. Its a Dayton Audio DC200-8, just under 8" diameter, ceramic magnet, rubber roll suspension, probably good for 100W as a speaker, around 30 Hz resonance.

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