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Thank you so much! I’ll definitely look into it! I’ve heard and read a lot about Bo Hansen’s DI BOX. Initially, I wanted to build it myself, but finding a suitable transformer around here turned out to be nearly impossible.

As for how the T, R, and S contacts are connected: I think the R contact here simply acts as a battery switch when the cable is unplugged. Perhaps the designer of the circuit didn’t bother to find the exact symbol for the jack and just used one with three normally closed switches. That’s my guess. Or maybe I’m just too dumb to understand the intent.

Either way, it’s a good mental workout!

If "Old Man" Putin listened to anyone at all... It's nothing but corruption and theft here. They even disabled YouTube for us! Or rather, they claimed that Google isn't maintaining its servers, and that's why YouTube lags. But if you turn on a VPN, all the servers magically work again!))) Almost every Russian has relatives in Ukraine! And what's happening now is very bad. Huge sums of money are being taken for the military, and just as much is being stolen on top of that. In short, this is a pretty sensitive topic, and I’d rather not drag politics into this. Thanks again!
[finding a suitable transformer around here turned out to be nearly impossible] -- I have seen a few instances on this forum where a member such as yourself in a "troubled" country who has difficulty with obtaining certain parts, makes contact with another member of this forum in another country such as: Germany, Greece, the UK or The Netherlands who doesn't. They then work out a situation where those members obtain the parts for them and then mail/ship those parts to the member in the "troubled" country. Perhaps you can try to setup some situation such as that with somebody on here. Maybe even Portugal or Spain.

In your original message you had also made mention of "drawing a PCB" for your DI project. Do you currently have or use a CAD program to perform that type of work? If so, which program? If not, how were you planning on accomplishing this task? Let me know, OK?

I just find the extremely low-level of political competence to be highly humorous!!! So, I find it a bit enjoyable to discuss in rather sarcastic tones, just to highlight the stupidity of the entire topic!!! SORRY!!!.....

[finding a suitable transformer around here turned out to be nearly impossible] -- I have seen a few instances on this forum where a member such as yourself in a "troubled" country who has difficulty with obtaining certain parts, makes contact with another member of this forum in another country such as: Germany, Greece, the UK or The Netherlands who doesn't. They then work out a situation where those members obtain the parts for them and then mail/ship those parts to the member in the "troubled" country. Perhaps you can try to setup some situation such as that with somebody on here. Maybe even Portugal or Spain.

In your original message you had also made mention of "drawing a PCB" for your DI project. Do you currently have or use a CAD program to perform that type of work? If so, which program? If not, how were you planning on accomplishing this task? Let me know, OK?

I just find the extremely low-level of political competence to be highly humorous!!! So, I find it a bit enjoyable to discuss in rather sarcastic tones, just to highlight the stupidity of the entire topic!!! SORRY!!!.....

The author offered those interested the opportunity to participate in purchasing PCBs for making this DI box, as I understand it. However, since this was more than 10 years ago, it’s obvious that I’m just a little too late. That’s why I asked if he would mind if I used this schematic as a basis to create a PCB myself, for example, in KiCad or Sprint Layout. Alternatively, I could simply take an image of his PCB and create a stencil from it.

By the way, my sister has been living in Switzerland for many years, and I immediately thought about asking her to buy me the transformer. She could buy it and send it to me, but I wouldn’t be able to pay her back for the purchase! All international money transfers are unavailable. Absolutely none! There’s no way to send money abroad. Perhaps cryptocurrency could work, but I’m not sure
The author offered those interested the opportunity to participate in purchasing PCBs for making this DI box, as I understand it. However, since this was more than 10 years ago, it’s obvious that I’m just a little too late. That’s why I asked if he would mind if I used this schematic as a basis to create a PCB myself, for example, in KiCad or Sprint Layout. Alternatively, I could simply take an image of his PCB and create a stencil from it.

By the way, my sister has been living in Switzerland for many years, and I immediately thought about asking her to buy me the transformer. She could buy it and send it to me, but I wouldn’t be able to pay her back for the purchase! All international money transfers are unavailable. Absolutely none! There’s no way to send money abroad. Perhaps cryptocurrency could work, but I’m not sure
[create a PCB myself, for example, in KiCAD] -- If you already have KiCAD, then I would suggest that you go that route. Doing so will produce you your best PCB. Plus, using the software will only enhance your software skills, which is always a good thing!!!

[asking her to buy me the transformer. I wouldn’t be able to pay her back] -- You may have to get "creative" and possibly just send her the correct amount of Russian rubles for the purchase and shipping costs and then she can go to her local bank to convert your "rubles" into whatever the Swiss currency is!!! It may all take a bit longer and all be a bit of an extra hassle, but you have at least achieved your end-goal.....which is getting some transformers into your sweaty technical hands!!!

Besides.....maybe a little ordeal such as this just might help bring you and your sister somewhat closer together by mutually working on a little project such as this. I've done some similar things with my sister a long, long time ago and we both found it to be "FUN" helping each other out while also figuring out "how to get around" all of the bureaucratic obstacles!!! Try it out!!!.....
