LA2A build

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Pure artwork! Getting the final parts for my p2p and will DEFO be referencing this photo. I love how insulated everything is, what size is that clear tubing for the twisted pairs? Is it heat shrink?
Prague in the 90s must have been something! I moved there in 2011 but have heard stories from friends who were there then.
Ok @Mr. Moscode thanks for that tip. I’m already buttoned up here on this one - just finished - but will throw it in the next one!
Easy enough to swap out on this one, but at the moment, the pair I now have is going to be stereo-able, so will keep it as Sprague for the pair.
Next one, though, will be the big Mundorf. I know this sounds dolty, but I’m also loving how huge clean and chunky they look! If they sound as big, well . . . ;)
I always go for the best sound, be sure you fall in love with that. Like with women, looks aren't everything. . . .
Your build looks awesome!

I put those Mundorfs in my D-LA2A that I just fired up for the first time this week. I also put the same model Mundorfs in C2 & C3, an Auricap XO in C1, PRP resistors throughout, and Charcroft Audio silver Mica in all the Mica spots. I also decided to spend the extra dough for matched pairs of NOS RCA black plates for V1 and the 12BH7’s. I don’t know how much of a difference it all made or not, but I’ve been listening to music through it all week while wiring up my next project and it sounds incredible! Really I was just getting bored with sourcing the same stuff from the same places, and wanted to try some parts from the hifi world.
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Nice job.

I built a p2p LA2A a few years back and just love the look of the internals. So funny thing is when someone notices the unit in my rack the first thing I do is flip the front panel open to show off the beauty inside. Some appreciate it, some give me quizzical look. I truly appreciate it!