this seems to work very well for me ,
its a little ' dc referenced heater circuit '
insted of grounding the low voltage centertap of the transformer to the
case ,
you float it in the middle of this set up .
seems stable and has been working in one of my opto 72 's
ive left on for 2 weeks now. ( no smoke

transformer operates at normal temp. etc
should definatly work for the v2 board also.
put the hum to zero ish in my test rig here.
i used a radio shack 5 tag soldering post and mounted it to the case.
then soldered the resistors and caps to it .
soldered the 220k resistor to r29 b+ side (not the 300V side)
i felt there was no reason to string 275v accross the case )
attached a wire to the resistor and connected it to the proper place
as shown below.
put the ground to the transformer star gnd.
check it out .
and report back.
(feel free to chime in on the circuit if you know a better way)
best .
ps. 2 watt resistors work well here
and some folks use up to 100 uf caps.