P&G Fader knob 3D print

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I recently had some module mounting brackets 3D printed in China - very successful, but a big learning curve

I have always used Sketchup for 3D design but it's not that easy to export from the free version of Sketchup to a format that 3D printers can work with

For panel design, Front Panel Designer works well, but it's 2D only. I ended up working out the project in Sketchup and translating the file for the 3D print.

I recreated the front panel in FPD and imported the logo (a TrueType font) as an HPGL file. That worked well for the panel makers

There are some 3D scanning tools for the iPhone but you'll need to do some cleanup of the file before printing it. As the knobs are relatively small it might be more successful to send it out - or send a number of knobs out - for hi-res scanning & cleanup and using those scans for 3D printing

Nick Froome
No It's a lot of small din plugs in a DIY trench. I think someone made a small mobile mixer from some spare channels many years ago from what ever MDF was called then and metal and painted black. I want to keep it all tube so need new bigger trench and sloping back to put in all the transformers and tubes etc. A bit like the Sphere one on instagram, keep kind of classic Siemens/Telefunken looking.
[It's a lot of small din plugs in a DIY trench] -- Can you either explain to me or show some pictures of what a -- TRENCH -- is??? I have a vague possible idea of what this term means, but I really have no idea what a -- TRENCH -- is on a mixing console. THANKS!!!

For smoother arcs and top surfaces of printed caps/knobs, I set to lowest printing layer height. Then sandpaper the top surface and finally spray matt. End result looks better this way, but wouldn't do on a dozen+ caps/knobs.