"Live" images from Odesa, Ukraine - a tourist says: Biergärten / bars are full of people

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Mar 22, 2022
Live aus der Ukraine - Volle Biergärten in Odessa

Published on 23 june 2024 / 120K views.

It appears there are more woman than men, but live goes on says the guy.
Pretty much every bar is fully seated.
However the police will not let these people travel to the east, he says, but he did manage to get through by putting a sad face.
He also notes although live goes on, people do seem to have a sad face, because pretty much everyone has a relative involved, hurt, etc.

Now German people are upset why there several 100.000 in our country while it's twice the size.

I have seen some Ukrainian cars, like VW Arteon and other pretty new "expensive" cars for middle class people.
Their license plates look like EU with the blue band on the left side, but they are not!

While the German state funded media claims hell has broken out in Odesa.
The guy mentioned this video in his video and shows your around.
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Now German people are upset why there several 100.000 in our country while it's twice the size.
No, you, your Putin-bootlicking AfD friends and some CDU guy are maybe, the "German people" certainly not.

While the German state funded media claims hell has broken out in Odesa.
The video you linked does not say that. You're either making stuff up or don't speak German properly (also our media are not state-funded, but simple facts seem to be lost on you). It says one rocket landed 20km outside the city close to the house of the woman selling strawberries. And one year ago a rocket inside the city damaged the house of the guy later in the video. Nowhere does it say hell broke loose currently.
The last significant rocket strike was in March and killed 21 people and injured many more and damaged culturally significant sites and buildings, which is mentioned in the video. Apparently just this morning a warehouse was destroyed by a missile and a big fire broke out, several people injured.

What exactly is your point? You don't want the refugees in your country, but you also somehow don't want them to live their lives in their city, even while being attacked?
No, you, your Putin-bootlicking AfD friends and some CDU guy are maybe, the "German people" certainly not.

The video you linked does not say that. You're either making stuff up or don't speak German properly (also our media are not state-funded, but simple facts seem to be lost on you). It says one rocket landed 20km outside the city close to the house of the woman selling strawberries. And one year ago a rocket inside the city damaged the house of the guy later in the video. Nowhere does it say hell broke loose currently.
The last significant rocket strike was in March and killed 21 people and injured many more and damaged culturally significant sites and buildings, which is mentioned in the video. Apparently just this morning a warehouse was destroyed by a missile and a big fire broke out, several people injured.

What exactly is your point? You don't want the refugees in your country, but you also somehow don't want them to live their lives in their city, even while being attacked?

German media are stafe funded.
You need to pay some 18,36 € each month, even if you don't own a radio or tv in your home says the law, every household is obliged to pay! that's the state!


It's been a subject on tube many times.
So is that your point? German media is lying or that they are state funded?
Sorry, I am just trying to figure out what your point is…

Seemingly it's subject in every western state!
Here you have these weird state commercials, telling you to sell your stuff to give it second live, turn your lights of, etc, etc.

There is not a single thing you do about climate, because earh's core produces various forms of gas we use, but they say it's fossil, it's not.

German media are stafe funded.
You need to pay some 18,36 € each month, even if you don't own a radio or tv in your home says the law, every household is obliged to pay! that's the state!


It's been a subject on tube many times.
Yes, you pay an obligatory fee, not a tax, to a seperate non-state entity. It's completely seperate from any state budget.

I don't know what any of this has to do with your weird Odessa ramblings. Is the evil deepstate lying again to you?
Yes, you pay an obligatory fee, not a tax, to a seperate non-state entity. It's completely seperate from any state budget.

I don't know what any of this has to do with your weird Odessa ramblings. Is the evil deepstate lying again to you?

LOL, my YouTube is like filled with German's complaining, 24/7.
some times they are professors, psychologist, authors, etc.
I know the German's for a very long time, they all or most have a common feature, they do what them is told without thinking.

Obviously the Ukraine is a very big country, you could have looked in a other corner of the country, rather than live in a 20 foot container here.

Listen to Jimmy Dore addressing the United Nations, also a German journalist should talk.

The Coupe in 2014 is the cause of this, not Russia, like Jimmy explains in the video.
The media started reporting from 2022 when they should have started reporting in 2014!

From images i have seen more than 100.000 or far more filled the streets in Budapest, first of june 2024, but none of our media talked about it, none. instead they frame Victor Orban:

Orbán stages a 'peace march' in Hungary in a show of strength

Not an expert, but seemingly the guy sounds very wise.
I don´t know what is going on anymore, it´s all lies and taking things out of context on pretty much all sides. Zero integrity in the leadership.
I just know I want the killing to stop.

It is time to declare every war a war crime!
No such thing as "politics by other means"...
Yes, you pay an obligatory fee, not a tax, to a seperate non-state entity. It's completely seperate from any state budget.
Interesting. So what is this obligatory fee called? What is the "non-state entity" that receives it and why would the government mandate such payments? Who controls this "entity?"

I don't know what any of this has to do with your weird Odessa ramblings. Is the evil deepstate lying again to you?
His complaint about the public being forced to pay "obligatory fees" to some media related "entity" seems valid to me.

A relevant question from one of my favorite 80s bands.

The TV licensing system here in Ireland has seen a huge increase in non payments in the last few years , to the point now where the national broadcaster can no longer fund itself without the government injecting money .
During covid we were bombarded by public service announcements funded by public money through the department of the taoiseach (prime minister) .
Now the politicians propose a new media tax ,levied on all and collected by the inland revenue , currently if you dont have a TV you can avoid paying money to be fed propaganda .
Many are already extremely pissed off and full of distrust over how covid was handled and political heads are still rolling over it .

Theres also a huge sense of betrayal emerging over the deal done between social media companies and the state , the so called 'light touch regulation' has failed , while anyone over the age of 14 years old is seen as fit to be fed into the live auction that is modern marketing , theres also growing concern for peoples mental health due to the feedback loop social media and marketing creates .
Im very glad the tide has turned on the media darling spit lick politicians , who courted and facillitated the rot ,
Bono needs a good kick in the arse too for playing lobbiest for FaceFook , his original 100million investment is worth well over a billion now .
I stopped paying my TV licence fee to the BBC in 2021, due to the absolute nonsence of that virus garbage debarcle.
And I watch no TV anymore in my house at all, my wife is of the same opinion.
And before anyone says you must pay it , i dont and won't and have no desire to ever watch that brainwashing state marketing
Full of political propergander telling me how I should think.
I am still amazed how any moral thinking person can believe their governments anywhere actually care a jot for the plebs they think they control.
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Interesting. So what is this obligatory fee called? What is the "non-state entity" that receives it and why would the government mandate such payments? Who controls this "entity?"
It's called "Rundfunkbeitrag", he already linked to it on Wikipedia, but it's only there in German. You could translate that to "broadcast fee/contribution". There is a huge number of laws and regulations associated with it, which I'm not gonna get into. The entity to collect this money from every household (not per citizen) is made up by the stations themselves, and they are controlled by several boards/committees.

His complaint about the public being forced to pay "obligatory fees" to some media related "entity" seems valid to me.
Apparently he isn't even German... What his actual complaint is, which you only understand with the background of common political discussions in the country: he is insinuating that these "state-funded" (which they are not as I've explained) media stations, which are obligated by law to neutrality, are controlled by the government/elites/WEF (lol) to spread certain narratives. In this case he is implying that these media stations are lying about the war in Ukraine. In particular here Odessa, apparently there are people living without getting bombed all day. Soo, no war right? All lies! And the second part is, according to the comments under the videos, all the people there are enjoying their best lives, funded by German financial refugee support.
It seems that Mr. Analog_fan and many youtube commenters don't understand what a frontline is. And the second thing he doesn't understand is, coming back to the TV stations: they are citizen funded precisely to be independent of the state.
It's called "Rundfunkbeitrag", he already linked to it on Wikipedia, but it's only there in German. You could translate that to "broadcast fee/contribution". There is a huge number of laws and regulations associated with it, which I'm not gonna get into. The entity to collect this money from every household (not per citizen) is made up by the stations themselves, and they are controlled by several boards/committees.

Thanks for the explanation. One wonders why government mandated "fees" are needed at all. Can the broadcasters not run a business on their own revenue streams like in other free countries?

Apparently he isn't even German...
So? Germans (and other Europeans) on this forum have no problem spouting off about the USA.

What his actual complaint is, which you only understand with the background of common political discussions in the country:
I understood it.

he is insinuating that these "state-funded" (which they are not as I've explained) media stations, which are obligated by law to neutrality, are controlled by the government/elites/WEF (lol) to spread certain narratives.
Well, that has happened here without even having such "fees" for non-state broadcasters. LOL <deep sarcasm>

In this case he is implying that these media stations are lying about the war in Ukraine. In particular here Odessa, apparently there are people living without getting bombed all day. Soo, no war right? All lies! And the second part is, according to the comments under the videos, all the people there are enjoying their best lives, funded by German financial refugee support.
He seems justifiably angry that Ukrainians aren't staying in their country and supporting the war effort. Rather, they are enjoying peace in foreign lands with public support while their more patriotic countrymen fight and die.

It seems that Mr. Analog_fan and many youtube commenters don't understand what a frontline is. And the second thing he doesn't understand is, coming back to the TV stations: they are citizen funded precisely to be independent of the state.
"Fees" mandated by the State don't seem to be the best way to keep the State out of media, IMO.
Thanks for the explanation. One wonders why government mandated "fees" are needed at all. Can the broadcasters not run a business on their own revenue streams like in other free countries?
We have both. The publicly funded broadcasters are mostly adfree and don't need to operate for-profit which allows them to be as neutral and balanced as possible in their reporting and ensure a well and broadly informed populace. Beyond news that also includes financing and producing documentaries and support of the local film industry, a variety of entertainment and political shows, sporting events etc.
So? Germans (and other Europeans) on this forum have no problem spouting off about the USA.
I'm not denying him having an opinion, I'm questioning his demonstrated understanding of the matter.
Well, that has happened here without even having such "fees" for non-state broadcasters. LOL <deep sarcasm>
Because they are privately funded by companies or individuals that want their views to be transported. Being free of outside influence is the whole raison d'etre of the system.
He seems justifiably angry that Ukrainians aren't staying in their country and supporting the war effort. Rather, they are enjoying peace in foreign lands with public support while their more patriotic countrymen fight and die.
I don't know if it is justified. The people in the videos could be on front holiday, or just enjoying their weekend before going back to producing artillery shells on monday. The country needs to continue to function to endure the war. The people fleeing the country are mostly women and children. My brother hosted a young traumatized widow and her kid for a year. I don't think she would have been of great help to the war effort.
"Fees" mandated by the State don't seem to be the best way to keep the State out of media, IMO.
It's fine.
It's fine.

Only a captured Psychology would belive in a state controlled media, really good luck with that tangent.
Disillusioned in your representation of democracy and peoples freedom from surfedom
Soft path of least resistance against the elitist orwell actors of the forever wars !?
Maybe look how your "Green" gov has destroyed your own countrys (and as with every countrys economy worldwide) through ridiculous scam green geo policys
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Only a captured Psychology would belive in a state controlled media,
"Funded" and "controlled" aren't synonyms. He already explained how it works.

Most states in the US mandate that automobile drivers maintain some minimum liability insurance (I would be shocked if it wasn't the same in the UK or Germany): it doesn't mean that insurance companies are owned and controlled by the government.
Only a captured Psychology would belive in a state controlled media, really good luck with that tangent.
Disillusioned in your representation of democracy and peoples freedom from surfedom
Soft path of least resistance against the elitist orwell actors of the forever wars !?
Maybe look how your "Green" gov has destroyed your own countrys (and as with every countrys economy worldwide) through ridiculous scam green geo policys

I've never understood why so many in the UK are against state funded radio and TV. I know the methods used to collect that fee in the UK aren't exactly friendly and resemble more of a shake down, but still the BBC seems pretty solid.

It's never been a problem here. The tax itself was abolished years ago and our radio and TV get finances from the general tax budget. It's nice to have 'em. All other channels are US owned or controlled anyway. Our national cable provider is also owned by a US investor. Turned into a bunch of gangsters. They announce number porting is free, but still charge for it. If you call to complain, they'll give you back your money, so you can't really sue them. The phone bills have become completely incomprehensible, so they can charge whatever they want. Price of an internet connection has nearly doubled since the thing was sold...

I really can't watch those commercial channels. It's not only an insult to anyone's intelligence, you get bombarded with ads, US style. Makes my head hurt.