Locomotive Audio

It is my pleasure to introduce a new line of products that I’ve been passionate about for a very long time. Locomotive Audio is an exciting modern line of products based on the simple ideas of handmade, high-quality gear with an aesthetically pleasing tone of yesteryear.
Model 286A - Dual Channel Mic Preamp & DI - Starting at $1,695 for a VERY Limited Time!
Locomotive Audio's dual channel 286A preamp offers a huge sonic palette for engineers and producers to explore. Its single-ended Class A tube signal path is what makes this preamplifier so special. The 286A features two tubes per channel; one EF806 and one 12AY7. The 286A can play nice by acting clean and natural with gentle even-order harmonics for a smooth, sweet touch. Get more aggressive with the "Gain" knob and drive the first 12AY7 stage for a warm and colored thickening effect. Go all-out and slam the final 12AY7 stage and output transformer through the "Level" knob for a fully-driven, saturated tube amp sound! Clean and natural to overdriven and fuzzy warm, your choice!

Model 14B Single Channel Compressor/Limiter - Starting at $1,695 for a VERY Limited Time!
Locomotive Audio's single channel 14B compressor and limiter is based on a very old, but still very exciting concept of rebiasing the input tube with a sidechain control voltage. The 14B is a mix of a few of our favorite compressors such as the UA 176, Gates Sta-Level and Collins 26U. The Locomotive Audio 14B and its added modern features allow it to achieve a unique sound in its own right. Starting with the semi-remote cutoff 6BC8 tube, a 12AY7 then drives two powerful push-pull 6V6 output tubes. The 14B is quite a versatile unit, with the ability to run soft and gentle or hard and aggressive. A sidechain low cut control offers even more flexibility, especially when used on the mixbus and linked with another 14B. This unit can be used on all kinds of source material including vocals, drums, guitars, bass, piano and horns. With its high quality Cinemag input and interstage transformers, the 14B has the ability to define mid-range clutter and control the peaks at the same time. The user will notice an enhancement on any material run through this unit, even when not compressing.

KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN - Starting at $1,695 for a VERY Limited Time!
We've started a Kickstarter.com campaign where we’ll be offering both of our new products, as well as some extra goodies like t-shirts, record crates and artwork. During the limited 30-day campaign you’ll find our products at amazing values which will be only available at this time. If you get in line early, you will be able to reap the rewards of being an “Early Bird” backer. Not only will you get an extremely good deal, but you’ll also get your gear sooner! Visit our http://kck.st/1obLhu6 now to see our Kickstarter campaign!

Visit www.locomotiveaudio.com for more information and sound samples.