long shoot but trying TRIDENT A Range switch caps

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Back in London!
I am restoring one of these beauties at the moment and I have come across these routing switch caps which were used to be sold by RS (ITT and C&K after them) but are unobtainable at present.
I wonder if someone knows of a valid alternative?

any help..is very much welcome.
and for anybody who is curious: the console SOUND FREACKING AWESOME! really does...

are those the goofy french switches?  one row red the other blue?
about a quarter of the ones on our A Range are pretty sketchy, real hard to make work right,
and a unique (stupid) footprint. 

at some point i'm gonna take a saw the the circuit board and cut those things off and replace them.
when i do there will be unused switches and caps here, but it's not on the lists of imminent tasks.

a long shot would be to call david lyons at sonic circus, i think he had a few of those routing modules at
one time

yeah, when we got this one we had very high expectations.  and it's better than we coulda imagined.
are those the goofy french switches?  one row red the other blue?
about a quarter of the ones on our A Range are pretty sketchy, real hard to make work right,
and a unique (stupid) footprint. 

at some point i'm gonna take a saw the the circuit board and cut those things off and replace them.
when i do there will be unused switches and caps here, but it's not on the lists of imminent tasks.

a long shot would be to call david lyons at sonic circus, i think he had a few of those routing modules at
one time

yeah, when we got this one we had very high expectations.  and it's better that we coulda imagined.

yes the french ones....precisely. stupid footprint, I second that. hard to find? Impossible!

thank you for the tip I am going to get in touch with sonic circus straight away!

the console it's so unique...

thank you!
Holy smokes!

Well there was a thread:


and this site was mentioned:


Don't know if that could be of any help to you, but looks promising.
I might have located some of the original one in the states.
I just realized the console I am working on was used to belong to Lenny Kravitz.

you can see the actual console here:


aint that a beauty?

Hey Mattia-
If you happen to secure some, and have a single extra, I would love to buy one off of you. I believe they are identical to the ones on my TSM, and one of mine is broken.  It is for a switch I never use, so isn't a big deal, but it's nice to have everything as it should be.
ledogboy said:
Hey Mattia-
If you happen to secure some, and have a single extra, I would love to buy one off of you. I believe they are identical to the ones on my TSM, and one of mine is broken.  It is for a switch I never use, so isn't a big deal, but it's nice to have everything as it should be.

ok, fingers crossed I'll get mine first ;)
