Looking for selmar guitar amp diagram

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Rob Flinn

Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Jun 3, 2004
Between Sussex, UK & Aude, France.
I`m looking for a diagram for a tiny selmer guitar combo. It uses a GZ80, an EL84, & a ECC83/82/81 (can`t remember which). Yes it a single ended guitar amp thats probably only about 3 watts. A scaled down fender champ !!!

The whole thing is about 14"wide by 10" high & 5" deep. Not exactly the amp for Madison Sq Gardens.

I`ve looked at some guitar sites but don`t seem to be able to find this one.
I think the line up will be EZ80 EL84 ECC83. If it's hand point to point it should not be too hard to draw it out. Does it have a problem or do you just want to mod it. Just change the smoothing and coupling caps and distort away.
If you have a model number I will look in the books that I have.

If it's hand point to point it should not be too hard to draw it out. Does it have a problem or do you just want to mod it.

I would draw the diagram, but the amp belongs to a friend who doesn`t live that close.

Also I`m not sure of the model number it doesn`t have any model name on it.

It does have a problem in that it is humming badly & the mains transformer seems to get overly hot !! Not sure if the transformer is cooked, it didn`t smell like it.


thanks for the link to the selmer site. The amp that it looks like is the really tiny one in the front on the home page first picture.
This is the closest selmer schematic I have:

Its close but may have too many preamp tubes.
Interesting site that Selmer site
I owned a Slemer about ten years ago... but cannot find a piccie of it anywhere

It looked like it was from grey period from the early 1960s- but it was actually brown
The box was an amp at the top and a speaker cabinet attached to the bottom by attachements - so it looked to be a one piece
The amp was of the variety with the controls at the back but facing towards to roof
Looked like one preamp, one rectifier and one power amp valve
And it looked like one 10 or 12 inch speaker in the cabinet
It was a fairly thin box and reached about hip height

Always wondered what it was...
I got pissed of with it and bought a 1960s JTM45 a purple headed with a 2x12 cabinet and a purple JCM900 50 watt head with a 4x12 slanted cab
......and took the Selmer down to the council rubbish tip...