R. Weiss
Active member
First off, I will state that the below questions are things your average, fresh out of the box novice will probably be wondering when first attempting this project (That being the G9 dual mic tube preamp based off of Jakob's website: http://www.gyraf.dk/gy_pd/g9/g9pd.htm). I myself am extremely new to this science and this community. So far I've very much appreciated all of the advice given to me, and all that I've learned from others. My PCBs from Gustav should be here shortly, and I'm about to place an order with DigiKey for the majority of the components. I am following Paul Stephan's parts list (http://home.houston.rr.com/lpstephan/G9parts.xls), and have a pretty decent list of questions before I place this order. I've been sitting here all day (no, really, 10am to, currently, 2am) looking up all of these parts, and rounding up all of these questions. As I mentioned, I'm pretty new to electronics, and have very vague ideas as to what some of the components do, and what purposes they serve in this particular project. I have read over all of the threads in the G9 meta, and have come up with some "unique" questions below. Hopefully this thread can serve as a helpful starting point for the newbie G9 DIY'er. I've also titled each question for faster referencing for future enthusiasts. You may laugh at the possibility of some of these questions seeming so "dumb", but to newbies like me, they really are foreign. 
Many of the parts shown on Paul's list (majority from DigiKey) no longer exist at DigiKey. I have listed these changes, and once I get everything situated and the order made, I will post an updated list (with alternative sources) on my site for all of the obsolete items. There are also many price updates that need to be made.
So, without futher ado, the questions...
(1) On the list, there's 2 choices for power transformers (#48 and #49). I believe the one listed with 15V 2.332A is for the US 110V mains supply, while the other (30V 1A) is European. Am I correct in assuming this?
(2) The spacers for mounting the PCB are listed as 3mm (Is this the depth?), but how wide should they be with reference to the screw holes on the PCB itself? And do these spacers normally come with the mounting screws, or should I pick them up at the local Radio Shack?
(3) Jakob's list say that I need "hardware for mounting the toroids" (toroids being the power transformers, those big round wound up mounds of copper that look like donuts, for the newbie). What hardware do I need to get? Does he just mean a long bolt to go through both toroids into the chassis underneath?
(4) Jakob also says to get a front panel light holder for the power led (LA1). Is this necessary, or do most of you just drill a hole for the led and stick it through?
(5) What exactly are the "TO-220 isolation sets for PSU regulators" (I think I would need TO-110 for US mains?), and where could I get ones suitable for them?
(6) Paul's list doesn't have the fuse that Jakob's does (F1). This WON'T come with the "fuseholder" IEC connector I am buying, right (DigiKey #Q202-ND)? So it would be necessary to buy it seperately? If so, do I need a specific fuse with a specific size and voltage rating?
(7) What purpose does the 10k trimmer (PR1) serve? It says "Trim 48V", but, in lamen's terms, what does it do? I am guessing it is something external on the back of the chassis that is used to "adjust" the phantom power to reach exactly 48 volts, something I will need to gauge with my multimeter, or am I wrong?
(8) What do the "line select" relays do (RY1, 101), and which ones do I need? Are they something external on the casing that I can control, or totally internal? Quoting "uk03878" in another thread, he says "The parts list says 12V 2xCO RELAY - What this means is 2 lots of a 'change over' relay e.g. DPCO [Double pole change over] or DPDT [Double pole double throw]". Unfortunately, this does not help the newbie DIY'er locate what relays he will need. There are many different results when searching for "12v change over relay". Could someone please clear this up for me?
(9) Heatsinks. There's lots of them, but I don't feel comfortable in assuming which ones I'll need (for IC1, IC2 specifically). What would be suitable for these two regulators, and am going to need something of a specific size in order to fit into that area?
(10) Could someone please explain how the rotary switches work, as far as poles and positions go? What does "2-6 position" or "2-12 position" mean? Obviously they're suggesting 6 and 12 turning positions, but what does the 2 pole mean? This is a part of the panel which I plan on customizing (wanting to seperate the 48v phantom power from the rotary switch to a single pushbutton), so I feel I need a better grasp on them before I do that. Also, are all of the rotary switch "poles" (referring to the things that stick out on them) 1/4" wide, so that any "1/4 inch" knobs I buy will definately fit onto them? Do these so-called "poles" have to be a certain length?
Okay... take a break... *cracks fingers*
On we go...
(11) What are the cap mount collars for, and what purpose do they serve? (parts list item #19)?
(12) What do the panel jacks do, the "2-conn" and switched ones (#26, #27)? Are these just the 1/4" instrument inputs I'm going to be putting on the front panel? Also, on the list it says "(option -inst out)" for #27, the 2-conn panel jack. Does this mean it's completely optional. Could someone shed some light on what purpose it would serve?
(13) On Jakob's list, it lists caps C12 and C112 as 63V, but on Paul's list he has them at 100V. Is this intentional, or detrimental in any way?
(14) I've read that the Lorlin mains power switch (SW5) is "too weak" for this application. Is this a myth, or would I better off getting something "stronger" (how so?)?
(15) On Paul's list, there's a bunch of connectors without a source (#37-#41). The first three have voltage and size specifitions, but the other two (#40, #41) do not. What kind of connectors should I use, or does it not matter? I'm sure they'd have to be of a certain size to match the PCB holes, no?
(16) Wire. Hookup wire. Stranded. Solid. Gauge. What the heck am I going to need for this project. I realize this question is very vague, as looking at some pictures ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/zee1usa/G9/HeatsinkG91.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/zee1usa/G9/HeatsinkG92.jpg - thanks to Zee1usa!) I see tons of different wire. Would it be possible for someone to walk us newbies through what kind of wire is necessary for each section, possibly all of them? The lists don't suggest which wire to use, and, seeing as how this is my first project and I don't have any wire, I am pretty much in the dark here.
You did it! That's it!
First let me apologize for the length of this, and if you sat there and read it all, many thanks to you. I'm hoping at least a few of these can be answered so myself and others may be able to source our parts in confidence, and hopefully get a grasp of what they do before we stare at them under a magnifying glass for hours!
Okay, it's almost 3am, goodnight.
Thanks again,
Many of the parts shown on Paul's list (majority from DigiKey) no longer exist at DigiKey. I have listed these changes, and once I get everything situated and the order made, I will post an updated list (with alternative sources) on my site for all of the obsolete items. There are also many price updates that need to be made.
So, without futher ado, the questions...
(1) On the list, there's 2 choices for power transformers (#48 and #49). I believe the one listed with 15V 2.332A is for the US 110V mains supply, while the other (30V 1A) is European. Am I correct in assuming this?
(2) The spacers for mounting the PCB are listed as 3mm (Is this the depth?), but how wide should they be with reference to the screw holes on the PCB itself? And do these spacers normally come with the mounting screws, or should I pick them up at the local Radio Shack?
(3) Jakob's list say that I need "hardware for mounting the toroids" (toroids being the power transformers, those big round wound up mounds of copper that look like donuts, for the newbie). What hardware do I need to get? Does he just mean a long bolt to go through both toroids into the chassis underneath?
(4) Jakob also says to get a front panel light holder for the power led (LA1). Is this necessary, or do most of you just drill a hole for the led and stick it through?
(5) What exactly are the "TO-220 isolation sets for PSU regulators" (I think I would need TO-110 for US mains?), and where could I get ones suitable for them?
(6) Paul's list doesn't have the fuse that Jakob's does (F1). This WON'T come with the "fuseholder" IEC connector I am buying, right (DigiKey #Q202-ND)? So it would be necessary to buy it seperately? If so, do I need a specific fuse with a specific size and voltage rating?
(7) What purpose does the 10k trimmer (PR1) serve? It says "Trim 48V", but, in lamen's terms, what does it do? I am guessing it is something external on the back of the chassis that is used to "adjust" the phantom power to reach exactly 48 volts, something I will need to gauge with my multimeter, or am I wrong?
(8) What do the "line select" relays do (RY1, 101), and which ones do I need? Are they something external on the casing that I can control, or totally internal? Quoting "uk03878" in another thread, he says "The parts list says 12V 2xCO RELAY - What this means is 2 lots of a 'change over' relay e.g. DPCO [Double pole change over] or DPDT [Double pole double throw]". Unfortunately, this does not help the newbie DIY'er locate what relays he will need. There are many different results when searching for "12v change over relay". Could someone please clear this up for me?
(9) Heatsinks. There's lots of them, but I don't feel comfortable in assuming which ones I'll need (for IC1, IC2 specifically). What would be suitable for these two regulators, and am going to need something of a specific size in order to fit into that area?
(10) Could someone please explain how the rotary switches work, as far as poles and positions go? What does "2-6 position" or "2-12 position" mean? Obviously they're suggesting 6 and 12 turning positions, but what does the 2 pole mean? This is a part of the panel which I plan on customizing (wanting to seperate the 48v phantom power from the rotary switch to a single pushbutton), so I feel I need a better grasp on them before I do that. Also, are all of the rotary switch "poles" (referring to the things that stick out on them) 1/4" wide, so that any "1/4 inch" knobs I buy will definately fit onto them? Do these so-called "poles" have to be a certain length?
Okay... take a break... *cracks fingers*
On we go...
(11) What are the cap mount collars for, and what purpose do they serve? (parts list item #19)?
(12) What do the panel jacks do, the "2-conn" and switched ones (#26, #27)? Are these just the 1/4" instrument inputs I'm going to be putting on the front panel? Also, on the list it says "(option -inst out)" for #27, the 2-conn panel jack. Does this mean it's completely optional. Could someone shed some light on what purpose it would serve?
(13) On Jakob's list, it lists caps C12 and C112 as 63V, but on Paul's list he has them at 100V. Is this intentional, or detrimental in any way?
(14) I've read that the Lorlin mains power switch (SW5) is "too weak" for this application. Is this a myth, or would I better off getting something "stronger" (how so?)?
(15) On Paul's list, there's a bunch of connectors without a source (#37-#41). The first three have voltage and size specifitions, but the other two (#40, #41) do not. What kind of connectors should I use, or does it not matter? I'm sure they'd have to be of a certain size to match the PCB holes, no?
(16) Wire. Hookup wire. Stranded. Solid. Gauge. What the heck am I going to need for this project. I realize this question is very vague, as looking at some pictures ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/zee1usa/G9/HeatsinkG91.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/zee1usa/G9/HeatsinkG92.jpg - thanks to Zee1usa!) I see tons of different wire. Would it be possible for someone to walk us newbies through what kind of wire is necessary for each section, possibly all of them? The lists don't suggest which wire to use, and, seeing as how this is my first project and I don't have any wire, I am pretty much in the dark here.
You did it! That's it!
First let me apologize for the length of this, and if you sat there and read it all, many thanks to you. I'm hoping at least a few of these can be answered so myself and others may be able to source our parts in confidence, and hopefully get a grasp of what they do before we stare at them under a magnifying glass for hours!
Okay, it's almost 3am, goodnight.
Thanks again,