Mag Lites for Mic Bodies...

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I think over use of parenthesis is an affliction of engineers, so you should be at home here (not necessarily trained engineers, but people with an engineering mind) =)
hey all
and hey jeff welcome to the lab

that being said:

one thing that has not been said is;
i like a mic to show it's age/use /MIS-USE
if a mic body is indestructable what can you tell about it by looking at the outside.
was this mic well cared for?
hmmmm ....looks like we'll never know.
what kinda of shock load has been place on the capsule and the rest of the electronics?
hmmmm....looks like we'll never know.

and seriously...even IF i would choose to use a maglite as a body I would AT LEAST cut off the light section and thread the rest of the body...c'mon

I'd sooner spend 1,000 for parts and put them is a soup can. Who's got that soup can?
then I'd really be

Sorry..... this is just the way I feel.
And i super! extra! agree with al (and others) $100 for a mic body is ...WAY EXCELLENT!

as some of you may know I am workin on a ribbon mic.
I cut my own body. (see pics at TS ..ribbon mic..drawing board)
there's cutting, grinding , filing ,fiting adjustments re-fitting, double checking design limitations and ..... the end peices well ...I'm not there yet but the "this will be an easy way " light hasn't gone off yet...not to mention a grill .....well there's a lot of fun
All in all if you like all of the above work plus don't mind getting your fingers sucked into a grinder and poking yourself with files and razorblades whatever else the cat knocks of your workbench....well all means build yourself a mic body.

IF not be happy at $100

After all:

Just imagine this... you have your parts....and knock knock... who is it ?? ... well ...HELLO.... it's the delivery man... gotta package for you.....nice...::sign sign sign::...ok bye , have a nice day...::door shuts::: well now I have a mic body GREAT!
you say" I think If work diligently I can have a mic ready for testin by MORNINGS LIGHT!!! wooo hooo... (well that assuming you made you power supply in advance..)

Now if that ain't worth $100 buck I don't know what is.........

and you gotta tube mike equal to if not better than most....for what??$$
ABOUT $400 BUCKS...if yo spend $1000 MMAAaannn you gotta nice tube mic!!!!!

AND another thing:
if i take 10 mics set up the mic pre's to favor one mic
OF course the rest will sound like crap!
what you do with a mic signal after you have it is important to consider too..
Can "this mic be "set up" to respond like I want it to?...that is the question..

I do agree with Jeff here:
"find a kind soul with a machine shop"
don't do this over the phone
walk in... talk face to face...try to find similar interests..(heck if the guy likes fly fishin...well..I'm goin fly fishin ...or find him a good deal on flys)
who knows maybe this guy will know a friend of a friend or goes to your church.....or heck maybe a distant

anyway the maglit body looks like crap and ...
build one, find a nice guy or be super happy at $100 (from a nice guy)

BTW: I dont remember who said he's got it down to 2 hrs (whatever)
i don't see that happening. sorry.


PS Jeff I'm really a nice guy.... but I really don't like this mic design and I gotta be honest...once again my apologies..and my sympathy....hehe

[quote author="ToobieSnack"]$100 for a mic body is ...WAY EXCELLENT![/quote]

But as Jeff points out, unrealistic.

BTW, welcome aboard, Jeff! Any chance of some audio samples of the flash-mic? What capsule is in it?

[quote author="ToobieSnack"] dont remember who said he's got it down to 2 hrs (whatever)
i don't see that happening.[/quote]

That would be me... It's really not that hard with a Dremel. Once I have the rough holes cut out with the cutting wheel, I go to town with a (don't laugh, it works!) 120-grit Dremel sanding drum attachment, which gets it pretty close to final shape, and then work out the details with some needle files.

You can get pretty decent results this way, although nothing as fancy as a real machine shop would get you for about 50 bucks a pop:


ooopps ok I see
2 hrs for the cutting/rough in..
I can agree with that. (alhough you gotta be good to do that !)
nice work...
It gives a person a real sense of accomplishment when you take the time to carefully shape things up with needle files, fine bits, small tap and die, and then polishing things up. Sure, I have a complete machine shop - lathes, milling machine, shaper, drill presses, but the real thing gets done by hand. Slow and easy generally gets the best results. Of course one could go broke trying to make a living in this manner...
As Prodigy newbie (registered yesterday), most of the monikers used here are new to me, and I'm finding them pretty amusing-geez, ToobieSnack, Scodiddly, alk509 (is that cryptic or what). Scodiddly is my current fave.

I respond as follows:

ToobieSnack: I am a vendor of InnerTube Audio. It's not my design. I do what I'm told. The capsule is what we call a "trade secret".

alk509: I do a boatload of Dremel work on the grilles.

Buying a CNC vertical machining center in 2 weeks. Then I can make some mic bodies.

Posting soundfiles at this point would cause my head to explode. Maybe when I'm healthy. Going to the Doctor again now. Damn pneumonia.
Whatever guys, I think the MagMic looks cool. In fact I was lookign around for what happened to the thing after I read the review in EQ.

I love that it sends out a line level signal.
