Marshall Artist 3203 Power X-former

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Carson City, Nevada USA

I have a marshall head (artist 3203)......i think the power transformer is bad.
i cant seem to find any pertinant info on this particular model online and was wondering if any of you have any suggestions.

just a replacement transformer is all i need, but i dont know the specs, so hunting one down might be tough.

Who's Marshall's US distributor these days--is it still Korg? Anyway, did you give them a call?

Just a minute of Googling yielded this info:

3203 Schematics:

Power transformer:
Marshall part #: B1PTD56114

Drake 1961-112/6

If not available from Korg/Marshall, reproductions may be available from Mercury Magnetics. It's been claimed that Mercury has made reproductions of this transformer in the past.
Mercury Magnetics just built on output and power trafo for the amp we been DIYing... almost done on it as we had to restart after a wiring mishap. They are awesome and top notch all the way. They let us do a local pickup as well as had what we needed in stock. They said once we do the proto type and we decide to do a line they would discuss custom trafo options. gotta love that :thumb:
I've a Marshall Artist combo and the mains transformers gone down twice, i don't know if its underated. Managed to get replacements from Marshall(uk) but if it goes again will have to look for a more beefy replacement. :thumb:
In the '90s, I repaired a lot of Marshalls (including warranty work) and fried transformers--both power and output--were common. I think Marshall or their supplier tended to under-specify; I don't know if they've cleaned up their act since then. The transformers on the '90s models certainly looked anemic compared to those of older models of similar output rating.
Don't overlook something freaky in the circuit that could be nuking the transformers. Maybe caps or pwr sup circuit.
Same here, got a blowed-up output tranny. These heads sound great clean channel cranked into output distortion, I imagine that's what everyone does and it's probly rough on the cute little 30w output. Mine quit while I was playing it, which makes sense. A friend of mine dropped a bigger tranny in his and it sounds good but not the same, and louder... which is bad, actually. I want it to break up and stay at a reasonable level.

I'll find out what he used, in case anyone is interested. otherwise, I'll be watching this to see what other people end up using. I'm in no rush to fix mine, it's low on the project list.

Who's Marshall's US distributor these days--is it still Korg? Anyway, did you give them a call?

Just a minute of Googling yielded this info:

3203 Schematics:

Power transformer:
Marshall part #: B1PTD56114

Drake 1961-112/6

If not available from Korg/Marshall, reproductions may be available from Mercury Magnetics. It's been claimed that Mercury has made reproductions of this transformer in the past.

cool, thanks,
i googled quite a bit, but am a little bit google challenged. thanks for the info. i will call them, but i have since been told taht they no longer make that part.

I am going to look into it more.....

Thanks Guys
thanks for the tip on mercury magnetics..........i emailed them and got this reply:
We offer the Axiom MAR30-P power tranny. This PT is a drop in replacement for the Marshall Artist 3203. The Axiom version is an upgraded version that is much more heavy duty and will not burn out like the stock Marshall PT.

The Axiom MAR30-P costs $175.00 plus shipping and handling. We currently have this PT is stock and ready to ship.

i am going to pick up one of these, considering i got the amp for free, $175 isnt too bad.

Thanks again,
175 is terrible for a power trans!
40 bucks will get the job done if it is not too late.
Let me know if you need a part number.
Mercury is one of those botique joints.
OK, any schematics laying around?
This is a tube amp?
What is the tube compliment?
You owe me a turkey for saving you 175 plus tax and ship minus 40! :razz:

How come nobody has recognized the's from Kill Bill1?
OK, any schematics laying around?
This is a tube amp?
What is the tube compliment?
You owe me a turkey for saving you 175 plus tax and ship minus 40! Razz

here's what i got so far:

its a solid state preamp with a tube power supply

Thanks for helping......I owe you more than a turkey!
Oh boy, a Musicman clone.
Do they use a round pwr trasnformer on yours? (torroid) I see a thermal switch which usually means torroid.

You know why they invented Thanksgiving, dontcha?

Cuz Man is a jive-ass Turkey!

I'll get lookin.

No turkey required.
[quote author="CJ"]How come nobody has recognized the's from Kill Bill1?
I have reconized them, Chris :thumb:

No, they are not torriodal....

i have read that this has been a problem for these seems like alot of people are having their power transformers blow.

any way, i have the amp apart..........with the secondary wires cut from the main transformer it still blows fuses, so i am pretty sure that its the problem.

Thanks again,
How much real estate do you have for a new pwr tranny?

I scored you a cool Triad for forty bucks from Andy's garage but it's pretty mighty.
Tons of realestate.........there is a lot of room.

I think i have heard you talk about Andy's garage before?

Awesome, it is much apreciated.

Thanks again CJ,

I believe that Antique Electronic Supply carries those...they are in Arizona somewhere. I deal with their wholesale end of the business and they are great people to do business with...
The Hammond's at Antique are OK, but when they say 100 ma , they mean 99.999 ma.

This triad says 160 ma, so it could probably run Jimi's amp and just get a bit warm.

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