MCI JH416 Black version - need info

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2004
I just acquired a MCI JH 416 console in black with API faders. The console is in amazingly
good cosmetic condition  for its age. I think 1972 or so. I know this console has transformer
coupled circuits inside. This is what attracted me to purchase it. I don't know if the console has Jensen or Beyer trasnformers in it. I have not had time to check yet. I would think this console has a lot of character and color , hope I'm right.

I've searched the web for info and I'm looking for a service manual but I don't want to pay $100 for it. Can anyone refer me to tech schematics for it ? PDF ?

Parts sources, other than Blevin's Audio

Does anyone have any comments about this console ,and some things to look out for
when owning one of these. I have no ownership experience yet.

The opamps are MCI 2001 ( Harris 911 ) which if they are not working plan to replace with
OP27 or 5534 opamps or originals if needed. Have not crossed this road yet.

thanks for any comments suggestions or help to find documentation.


are the relays easy to replace with upgraded ones or are they of a proprietary
design ?

I noticed the caps in the EQ are the same ones that Neve uses , the blue philips ones.

Eq switches are all electoswitch rotaries, and allen bradley pots - very impressive quality
compared to today's mixers

Also, every channel has beyer input transformers in a white can.

this board sounds like a keeper so far, I just need to find 8 more channels to fill the bucket to 24
but so far its a good starting point.
i have one and am in the process of trying to selling it, times are tough if you need any info let me know, i have tonnes! console will be posted in the black market in a day or so
mcfarlane_audio said:
i have one and am in the process of trying to selling it, times are tough if you need any info let me know, i have tonnes! console will be posted in the black market in a day or so

Whats available in your sell off , Pm sent
Got a 416b,  Only problem is a few so-so mother board sockets going off . Hey Rob, these relays all work with no problems ever?

Mcfarlane-  I'm sorry to haer you are selling. I was planning on looking you up sometime when I get to Van. Is your studio a gonner or ?


I for one would never change out the 2001 or 911 until something very attractive came along and there I'm not going to hold my breath. In this consolle I had 4 ch of 5534 mod and 2 are now returned to 911. The other two will follow. Something so so about the 5534 channels. I just sold 8 ch of 911 plugged to a guy filling out his 400 to replace the 5534 ch that were not up to the originals with 911's. This has been a story I've heard first hand from a few owners.
  The master channel mods can make a big dif. I bought master some ch for spares from Buttachunk (now gone from the forum) and they are the ones I use. They are modded for stereo in a different way from the ones that came in my  console.

No PDF schemes to share but I do the basic collection in an MCI binder.So if you are in a problem maybe I can help.

studio hasnt tanked, but thier current requirements dont fit what the mci can give them, i LOVE this board, but cant keep it in my house, and dont want to put it into storage, i keeping some spare channels to rack because i cant give up the sound, its killer, but i cant keep it around i hope it can make someone happy, yeah the 2001 are awesome, i didnt really get into the sound of the 55's , and i am totally against  parting things out but this board was rescued form the grave so if it can help other people keep thier mci's working then i might consider it.
Well the 5534 are no different than the 5532 which is a common opamp with a very transparent sound. The op270ez or op27 ( single ) are much different and have a large gain and quality the 55 don't have.

Is there a 55 mod shematic around ? and do the power rails need to be adjusted for a opamp with lower bipolar voltage requirements ?

The PCB boards in these channels look easy enough to have made - DIY

Also , I have 4 Vu meters in which the VU meter lenses are cracked / broken out. Where could I find replacements as well as some knobs which have broken away from the collets.
The trouble with the relays is that they are not currently available footprints.  The little yellow electrol ones have a habit of burning up, & the larger ones in the black rectangular shiny cases are temperamntal in my experiences.  I know that member porkyc used to have daughter boards that would replace these relays with the dpdt relays that everyone round here uses.

The bc components caps are not ones that I have seen on unserviced channels.  They are normally either bright orange colured brazilica (I think, definitely made in brazil) or a kind of light transparent yellow colour which I think are Siemens made in Germany.

I like the sound of these desks with the 2001.  What I would do is service the desk before you think about modding it, you will probably be surprised at how nice it sounds.  Also changing the op amps may well mean you hve to mess with the supply voltages, since the 2001 run on+ & - 24v

The eq is really nice sounding, although it looks rather basic when you first start playing with it.  You just need to learn how to use it. 

The desk sounds fat & seems to just glue a mix together (In my opinion) in a really muscal way.

If you look at the analogue comsole MCI forum there is lots of information about the 428 in it's various forms & discussion on the mic amps etc

Yeah , Moding was just a option if I find any dead MCI 2001 op amps , I'm sure they are nearly unobtainable, or at least very expensive.

Seems like a easy desk to work on . I have the API 440 faders which also look to be like the relays which happen to be scarce.

The console looks to be easy to work on , no complex dual layer circuit boards with pots and components on both sides. The audio path looks very simple.

How many 2001s do you need? I've got some, they fit the sockets only. Following on from Rob Flinn, join analog console forum. There's loads on everything you want to know about MCI 400. You will have to hunt around, like all threads, they get taken over and diluted, and I'm just as guilty as anyone of that!!
Anyone knows witch vu-meters are used?
I got 6 broken glasses and 2 meters witch are bad.
Trying to find replacements for those.
electrochronic said:
I just acquired a MCI JH 416 console in black with API faders. The console is in amazingly
good cosmetic condition  for its age. I think 1972 or so. I know this console has transformer
coupled circuits inside. This is what attracted me to purchase it. I don't know if the console has Jensen or Beyer trasnformers in it. I have not had time to check yet. I would think this console has a lot of character and color , hope I'm right.

I've searched the web for info and I'm looking for a service manual but I don't want to pay $100 for it. Can anyone refer me to tech schematics for it ? PDF ?

Parts sources, other than Blevin's Audio

Does anyone have any comments about this console ,and some things to look out for
when owning one of these. I have no ownership experience yet.

The opamps are MCI 2001 ( Harris 911 ) which if they are not working plan to replace with
OP27 or 5534 opamps or originals if needed. Have not crossed this road yet.

thanks for any comments suggestions or help to find documentation.

Hi Electrochronic ~
You might be interested to know that we have introduced our SE-DOT5 RED and BLUE discrete opamp replacement(s) for MCI 400 series consoles.
These offer full rail + / - 24V operation and direct plug in compatibility.
They have taken our beloved JH-416 to a whole new level ~ with ease.
Hope you're enjoying yours ~
Phillip Victor Bova
Ottawa Canada
I seem to remember a few of those red knobs from a 416... somewhere in this tide pool.  The round
skirted ones, and some more pointer like red ones.  Maybe a half dozen or so, I think.

Blue phillips caps no longer say phillips...  BC Vishay 138 series seem to be same thing.  Available from mouser or digikey

Wow those armrests...


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