At least these 39 individuals will be buried according to which ever tradition they came from , and the families will get closure once all is said and done .
The authorities have a handfull of small fry in custody who would rather die than give up their keeper , my guess is its not the first time whoevers responsible has opperated this human trafficing route . The bodies of these people would have been destined to be put 'under the pavement' so to speak , most likely a road or motorway project somewhere in England would have been used to entomb the remains forever under thousands of tonnes of concrete , that didnt happen for some reason . The people involved here would have a certain pedigree in 'dissapearing' people .
Typically the victims of these trafficers end up in either weed 'grow houses' or prostitution in the UK or Ireland somewhere,
they live their lives completely cut off from the world around them , and often they dont even know what country their in .
For me the timing of it all raises suspicions , the whole thing also very graphically illustrates a live connection between Ireland and the slave trade , meanwhile Brexit is coming down the line like an impacted turd the UK cant get out of its ass.
I feel ashamed once again of whats been done in the name of Ireland ,similar to when the bombs were going off years ago .