MicandMod 1176 Kit - any experiences ?

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Take from their Facebook page. Really, Kenetek a chinese copy??? I just read not long time ago, the hardwork the guy at Kenetek made to realise his t4b cells, and I'm 100% it is not chinese.  No respect


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Deepdark said:
A lawyer for what? These are the public informations found on his website. Nothing more. And what we are claiming here is the truth. He stole design and works of other without any permission. Maybe we should advice Drip.

We will see... told me "defamation".
Any group buy interest for my lawyer ???

Taken from hos Facebook again:

"Bonsoir Guillaume Howard, les T4B sont des clones réels des T4B Vintage UREI. Vous pouvez trouver pas mal de copies Chinoises, dont les Kenetek plutôt onéreux. Je me ferais un plaisir de vous faire part de mes connaissances dans le milieu. Malheureusement, et cela est une réalité, les produits dit "US", sont souvent des produits chinois. Aucunes normes ne nous protège nous français, et nous devons faire avec les moyens du bord, pour sortir la tête de l'eau. Cocorico! Je reste disponible par MP si vous souhaitez plus d'informations. A bientôt"

If i translate, he claim the Kenetek are chinese, first, then he claim he would be happy to share his "knowledge", about the T4B cells and teh "chinese" copy. And he even claim products marked "made in US" are often chinese products. Take a look at how hard Edcor had it to be able to put "Made in USA" on his products. You have to have about, what, 90% of american material to be able to get the "Made in USA" certification. He basically misinformed his costumers.

zamproject said:
Deepdark said:
A lawyer for what? These are the public informations found on his website. Nothing more. And what we are claiming here is the truth. He stole design and works of other without any permission. Maybe we should advice Drip.

We will see... told me "defamation".
Any group buy interest for my lawyer ???


Their will be no lawyer. The guy looks to be more than illegal so he will not cross the line of legal actions
Deepdark said:
Their will be no lawyer. The guy looks to be more than illegal so he will not cross the line of legal actions

yes I'm joking, I also think he just try to intimidate me/us
Its not illegal to post the company address that can be found on the website:

"Les présentes conditions de vente sont conclues d’une part par la société Mic and Mod , SAS au capital de 10 000 EUROS, dont le siège social est situé au 34 rue de la Cheneau 57160 SCY-CHAZELLES – France, immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de Metz (57000) sous le numéro 792 960 254 , numéro de TVA intra-communautaire FR 067 929 60254 ci après dénommée"

We all can see what is going on in his business, but the problem is that many DIY beginners stumble across the Mic&Mod website and do not know that many of the designs are rip-offs of other peoples work.

I'm doing the support for pcbgrinder here and Germany and every now and then get questions about MIc&Mod products. I only can advise people to not support this sort of business.
Majestic12 said:
Its not illegal to post the company address that can be found on the website:

"Les présentes conditions de vente sont conclues d’une part par la société Mic and Mod , SAS au capital de 10 000 EUROS, dont le siège social est situé au 34 rue de la Cheneau 57160 SCY-CHAZELLES – France, immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de Metz (57000) sous le numéro 792 960 254 , numéro de TVA intra-communautaire FR 067 929 60254 ci après dénommée"

We all can see what is going on in his business, but the problem is that many DIY beginners stumble across the Mic&Mod website and do not know that many of the designs are most likely rip-offs of other peoples work.

I'm doing the support for pcbgrinder here and Germany and every now and then get questions about MIc&Mod products. I only can advise people to not support this sort of business.
I'm not sure about the legal implication with "handmade in france" label
But i'm curious to see the french factory that build the k87 capsules.

Also the address of the company  just disappear from his website, which is against French law regarding online commercial store




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it gets a little anything this topic. Who has the biggest? Sorry but this is not a DIY community? No moderator here? Always the same subjects... sorry but I dont care :O
Peterbiehl said:
it gets a little anything this topic. Who has the biggest? Sorry but this is not a DIY community? No moderator here? Always the same subjects... sorry but I dont care :O

Hi peter
Yes your right in some way... who care finally.
I HAVE THE BIGGEST interest to keep as possible the DIY community strong against wolfs.
Who will share knowledge in few years if good opensource/diy design are systematically stolen by commercial company without any consideration and respect.
But the fact is he remove asap the suspected product with only few post in half a day.
So the "community" just win to protect some member design, he will not sell them anymore.

Deepdark said:
I can now confirm Drip hadn't gave any permission to Mic and Mod to sell their Opto board rev.1  :eek:

Man that's not good...
Anyway at my side I consider the issue closed for now, Gustav and Drip pcb are no longer available.

So the address in the website was changed from:

34 rue de la Cheneau


41 rue de Jouy
Quartier St Pierre

Someday it will change for the Cayman Islands

Peterbiehl said:
it gets a little anything this topic. Who has the biggest? Sorry but this is not a DIY community? No moderator here? Always the same subjects... sorry but I dont care :O

The DIY community exists because there's people that develop projects, that spend a long time designing pcb layouts to provide for a cheap price for the community.  All this goes down the drain when someone repeatedly steals all the work and layouts from other members, markets and claims it as their own design and then sells it for profit.
These situations can be the end of a DIY community, were people will be much more careful and probably not willing to release any designs because someone like this Yannick Closset can take advantage.

Of course you personally don't care,
you are a new member, you still don't understand the collaborative work involved around here, and you gave ZERO contribution to the community at the moment.

What I find strange is that you don't have any post at all giving help to other members or replying to any thread, but you took your time to post here.

I think I speak for everyone here that this online business needs to cease to exist.
Yannick has played dirty and karma is a strange thing, I wouldn't be suprised if some day the sites goes down and doesn't come back.
We have all probably thought about how great it would be to have a business which sells all this stuff, but the community here is more important than any profit.
I can't put a figure on the amount of information that has been shared and the amount that people have done to help me learn and get stuff working.
People like Yannick are what is wrong with this world, big headed people just out for themselves.
What help has Yannick given to the community? He has either been deleted ( which speaks volumes) or has not tried to help at all.

I think things will be able to sort out by itselfe without the need to be agressive to anyone including Mic&Mod.
We Audio people are a good connected community. Everyone knows so many people and we always love to talk about
Gear and some who are involved in DIY share there knowledge.
If we simply inform the people surrounding us we will reach most of the worlds customers.
There will still be people left who don care about ethics  and simply buy the cheapest product, but this is nothing we could easyly change.
Posting adresses, available or not, is not a cool way to go in my opinion....... well, but a too can not tell anyone here what to do ;)

A worldwide judicial assistance would be nice in this case.
Maybe the topic should be moved from Dynamics to reach all members.
But hey, keep cool!  8)

My head is spinning now as I would love to see a customer friendly webshop from us wich includes all our members stuff plus education plus everyone gets his share. But this would be a lot of work. (And we still would argue  ;D )
He could be a part of community here and make a better business.
From the start he chose stupid way of doing business what shows his mentality.
That's it :)

Please remember Guys, that some people buy his kits and then they cam here to find the answers for circuit build. Before purchase, some people didn't knew what ******* he is.
What we can do at least, it's informing people about that scum.

Those who doesn't care,  wouldn't stay here anyway, like many "kit builders".
We have registered 21131 users, many of it treat forum only as tutorial for the build some kit and then goodbye :)

To be honest! Those prices, for most of the chinese parts, aren't cheap at all.
It isn't any occasion. I don't have any of his kits but for the first look for me it is cheap s..t.

Anyway this shows what we have shortcomings and what we need in Europe.