Thanks for the link, but it’s “sold out.
It is nothing unusual.
I regularly check the availability of this seller's products, as do many others in our group. It will be available again.
Sales have exploded after here on groupdiy we have used hl-77, hl-95, other bodies or parts, complete mics with great results. And the prices have increased permanently, unjustifiably.
There are 'members' in GDIY, apparently dormant, who have never made any real, value-added contribution to the knowledge base, just observe, collect valuable information about our design work, research, experimentation, etc.
Honestly, I think it could be malicious entities and/or bot farms programmed for the purpose of technological espionage.
@kingkorg and others have warned of the risks of the degree to which we publicly disclose the results of our work. In numerous cases, our free, altruistic work has led to the emergence of profitable businesses in all corners of the world. Even well-known brands take advantage of our research work without asking for any kind of permission.
@RuudNL ,
@soliloqueen @Khron and many, many, others can confirm.