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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
gonz: thoughts :everyone wants a piece of american culture
gonz: the politics hits a bum note though,(resonances of europe's dark history)
gonz: just thinklin

  8)beer goggles engaged ;)
I didnt see an eula here before?
I might have to send that mail after all Boj'
Texas beardage ,minusGotee Frank,
Anthemic riff raff,

ala Bon monsieur, stomp stomp stomp
Good night and god bless ,no flag intended

Ouch my head hurts this morning,  :(
Im a strictly 'no hair of dog' next morning kinda guy Boji ,graveyard of champions that
water is the best cure ,maybe a puff of the beneficial herbs too .

Thats a real long one from the Deadeners, goes all noodley too ,I have to say I love the Garcia/Weir interplay
Funny ,I was playing a live concert of the dead in my garden one day ,my neighbour popped his head over the fence and enquired ,who's that band your playing, I recognise it ,when I told him it all fell into place ,turned out he and his wife had attended a dead show  in Holland in the late 70's ,said they played four hours without stop. I wanted to ask if he ever tried the orange sunshine but didnt . I guess theres a bit of love em /hate em with the dead, I dont think they ever played Ireland ,they say anywhere the dead did play was awash with acid for months afterwards , so I dont know if it might be a band those of a certain generation might rather forget . As far as younger or future generations liking the dead ,I seriously doubt the modern conciousness has the attention span for it. I think someone pulled the stats on kids music playing habbits ,something like thirty seconds was the average amount of time they spent listening to a tune :-\ ,probably a big part of the reason pop is gone to shite in a bucket :(

Tubetec said:
As far as younger or future generations liking the dead ,I seriously doubt the modern conciousness has the attention span for it.

I guess it's always possible some of the children born of the open minded generation could have genetically mutated into mind readers..... :D
Not really sure ,but it seems like the teenage brain is wired up like spaghetti nowadays from media overload,
Just had an old friend of mine and my family drop me around a bunch of pictures she found in a clean out ,man  it blew my mind ,the good old days .............no handy phones or other technological bullshit to mindfuck you ,was bliss indeed .

Her own lad is in the typical teen rebel phase right now ,and seems to think he has some kind of all seeing eye ,or superpowers through wiring his brain into peoples minds via technology ,thats not going to end well .Got himself body slammed on to the hood by the cops too for mouthing off and that looks like its going before a man with a wig ,dually trumped up to an assault charge against him now ,and it was 'home base' the emergency call came from in from in the first place so maximum clusterfuck effect.

The kids sporting abillity and innate talent is jaw droping  ,he's like Usain Bolt on speed, but thats all gone to pot and beer and fighting with his mates now. I have to help out ,but what do you do, give him a slap around the head and a kick up the hole ,if he lost the plot with me ,Id have a tough job putting him to reason without getting seriously damaged myself . No amount of military style beasting is gonna make things any better in any case ,so its time for an old fashioned  man to man chat I think.

comments, sugestions, ideas all welcome .
I guess I'll have to allow them to answer that John  Random music post that got legs I suppose you could say ,well who knows time will tell
doubt the modern conciousness has the attention span for it.

I'd second the notion, if I had the patience.  That modular music guy, Colin Bender's "Eurorack Jamsessions" are a case in point. They never really get going until minutes in.. but go pretty amazing, if you consider it's all (somewhat manual) 1v/oc, LFO's, CV's and such. Best for postmodern raves I guess.

Edit:  It shares something with Grateful Dead in that the Journey is more important than the destination.

"There is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto." -McCarthy