Monkey pox

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
Looks like theres another zoonotic nasty doing the rounds , gay and bisexual men seemingly disproportionately hit .
As usual LGBT media seems to be trying to disassociate themselves and cry foul but the stats from the STI clinics are incontrovertible .
There have been a lot of diseases lately that were found out to be also sexually transmittable. Sex was overlooked as a vector for a long time.
A good buddy of mine works in virology , according to him theres many more things that fly below radar if your sexually promiscuous that can shorten your life , religion frowns on it because time itself has thought us promiscuity and sexual ambivalence shortens your life expectancy .
Yet man is not monogamous, biologically. These virii and other life forms are part of our surroundings. They might shorten an individual's life, but are making the species stronger in the long run.

Perhaps monogamy (and our extremely clean lifestyle) is what's indirectly causing the rise in allergies and other so-called "civilisation diseases".
Interesting perspective Cy ,
True, the male of the species is the wandering seed spreader , women ,bless them, drew the shorter straw and often end up having to do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to procreating and raising kids .

There was an old saying my mom passed down to me from my grandmother , I cant remember the exact quote but along the lines of 'you'll eat a pound of dirt in your lifetime', and what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger . The interesting thing was all the women on that side of my family lived well into their 80's ,pioneers(t-total) for the most part , all the men passed in their 70's martyrs to the drink .
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I continue to watch for lower cost "far UVc" lighting (222 nM wavelength UV light). I am optimistic that we will eventually see low cost far UVc LEDs but until then far UVc systems will remain too expensive for widespread use.

Interesting perspective Cy ,
True, the male of the species is the wandering seed spreader , women ,bless them, drew the shorter straw and often end up having to do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to procreating and raising kids .

That's the emotional view. There's certainly some truth in it, but research show women aren't any more monogamous than men...

There was an old saying my mom passed down to me from my grandmother , I cant remember the exact quote but along the lines of 'you'll eat a pound of dirt in your lifetime', and what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger . The interesting thing was all the women on that side of my family lived well into their 80's ,pioneers(t-total) for the most part , all the men passed in their 70's martyrs to the drink .

These days, it isn't dirt. It's plastic. Certainly doesn't make us stronger, even if the effects of micro-plastics in the human body still are being studied. The effect on wildlife, however is fairly well know and it is devastating for a lot of species.

And, yes, women live longer on average. Nobody knows exactly why. A popular thesis is that men take more risks and have deadlier occupations. That could pull down the stats, of course, but I wonder if that's enough.

We're lucky we're not octopuses. Females starve and maim themselves to death after procreating. And they only procreate once in their short lifetimes.
Monkey pox was apparently suppressed by small pox vaccine but that immunity is fading (but vaccines still in inventory if needed).
Unlike covid it is only transmissible while carrier is symptomatic so if we experience flu like symptoms perhaps we should self quarantine.

This does not seem like much of a threat but the public is hyper-sensitized to such threats, and media is willing to feed the risk narrative.
