Mu-metal wire

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2004
Hi all!

Does anyone know where I could find mu-metal wire. Metal sheets can be found just about anywhere but I haven't seen anyone selling wire. I need a couple of metres of about 0,1 mm dia. wire for a project. Preferably in Europe but other parts of the world are ok too.

Thanks for your help!

In Brazil all I can get in mumetal is mumetal wire. I really don´t know what´s it used for. I think I get get some mumetal tape also, but I don´t know if it would be usefull for audio shielding...
Rafa, do you what the price would be for a roll of 0,1mm wire?

And I know what it can be used for, but I won't tell you yet! :green:

It's a non-audio related really crazy project that one of my friends told me about. Really compliacted, electromagnetism and quantum physics and stuff. I'm not the brain behind it. It will probably turn into a fiasco and if I don't tell anyone I won't have to feel stupid for getting excited about it. If the theory does work I promise that you will be the first to know.

BUT---did they llevitate a llama??

That's exactly what I was thinking! Please don't tell anyone. It's supposed to be a surprise. I'll come riding on a green flying llama to tampere.

[quote author="kvintus"]
Does anyone know where I could find mu-metal wire. of about 0,1 mm dia. [/quote]
In the 1940 transatlantical cable.
It is difficult to pupinize it and then Krarup method was applied
to make transmission loss lower. It is thin wire which is hellically
wired onto each wire of the cable pair.

But I mean, that kilometers of this cable was stolen trough world war
2 - nd by german submarines and kilos of Krupp Essen Hyperm was
produced from it.... :-( :-( for you.

[quote author="CJ"]You mean my Telefunken transformers are made from Sowter mu wire... [/quote]
I am too young and not studied at the Essen,
but my teacher is older and say something about.

Someone here can know more...

by the way, thanx many for Sowter paper
