Must-have pre-amps/EQs

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2014
Hey guys. I am totally new to api modules (and diy in general). I plan to buy a set of preamps / eq's (2 or more) for my lunchbox.
Did anyone test one of the following units i found and wants to share his own experiences or other favourites for recording vocals, guitar etc?

- Hairball Audio Lola / Elements
- SoundSkulptor MP573 / MP512
- SoundSkulptor EQ573

Or if i may ask the other way round: Are there any "must-have" modules? What 500 module DIY kits would you recommend for preamping / eqing?
I am searching for gear not so expensive compared to others but using vintage circuits and which is expected to sound warm and close.  :)

thanks for your ideas
weiss said:
.....or other favourites.



Some comments;

...The EQ's sound great by the way! Can't wait to get them on some audio! ....

....Finally got a bit of a chance to play with the EQ and it seems great...

....The module sounds great. It can go from surgical to broad shelf and sound great. I'll be ordering another in a month or so...

On MICPRE ONE with mic connected
....Tried driving the preamp hard and it seemed really clean right up ...

With guitar on the instrument input

....When I whacked the gain up further I got some awesome distortion. But indeed that distortion had me playing around on the guitar for a while! At some point I'll try it with a microphone to the cab keeping the cab sound clean and distorting the micpre...

EQ ONEs on live application (the author has 5 on his rack)

Hi Cemal,

excuse me replying so late,way too much work atm.

But yesterday we had an exciting experience:After days of troubleshooting and heavy eq'ing with our two dry-hire DiGiCo SD9 consoles it still seemed to be impossible to get out useful signals (headworn mics,DPA,omni) from them.The main goal was to have good EQs on their outputs to handle the first 2-3 room modes for our vocal stuff,so not system EQs.

No chance at all,even by trying different sorts of onboard tools plus(!) heavy input-eq'ing.

The P.A. System is excellent and nicely tuned/delayed btw.

So I decided to hook up my EQ ONES to the output stages of my console.

And guess what:Knockout within seconds!!!

My friend,this EQ is outstanding at this signal position!We even flattened out all console eqs to see what might happen,the result was mindblowing!Lots of headroom accompanied by a stunning mic sound that I have never achieved before on a sound reinforcement system.

I'm really excited now since I haven't set up any channel eqs or dynamics so far nor did I hook up my preamps and compressors as front ends for the eight lead vocals.

What a day.....

...The sound is absolutely what I was expecting, I can't add anything to Udo's comments. I remember some Amek desks I saw a long time ago and a friend of mine that is sound engineer told me that I had to get that EQ, I just have to thank him....

is this limited to DIY kits only?

IF not then I highly recomend the clm dynamics  DB500  expounder.
"The Expounder can be used in several different ways: as a straight equaliser, as a dynamic filter, and as a frequency-conscious upwards expander - or as a combination of these things." They are sweet. picked one up recently and it does some pretty cool things. Would make a nice diy project.
are you serious? £1498?
actually i wanted someone to tell me about the models i mentioned above..
I tracked with a Lola the other day and it sounded great. Open and clear, really digging it so far. Used it on some line level bass as well. I must get a second one soon! I have my elements built, just need to test it and record some material. The Silver kit is such a bargain.

Sahib's eq looks stellar as well. For serious diy Eq'ing, it sure looks the money!

Of course grab some VP26's and Love Child if you haven't already. I haven't tried the MP573 but it is in the future. His eq looks great too. The Studer 169 comes in handy too. Great to dip a little when tracking and a pair on drums is thumping good. It's a cheap build too. Not a must have, but great just for cutting on the way in.
It isn't the one & only, But the lola is a must have, 
if you have api type & neve type Lola  [ and the very nice VP 28 ]
fill in the gap [ and outside it ] nicely
I am in the Progress of Building 8 Laz EQNs and 8 NV 73s. Wanted 10 of each but Peter made his EQNs quite rare ;-). These are musthaves if you want a Neve Sound. The Sound Sculpture Kits have a good Reputation as well. There is a comparision Thread in Gearslutz. If you dig a Little your reward are samples of several Neve Clones.
anyone recommending Lindell PEX500 or the jlm BA500 mic pre? I just need some orientation which kits are useful and good sounding and which aren't.
JLM stuff is good. 

I can't recommend the lindell though, especially to a DIYer.  For a little over 100 bucks more you can get the EQP-1S5 kit, which is an exact replica of the solid state pultec.  :D  And yes, it's is good on voice AND guitar. And kick, snare, bass, etc, as well as bus use. 

weiss said:
I just need some orientation which kits are useful and good sounding and which aren't.
You're setting yourself up for disappointment by planning on buying according to others' advice.  The best orientation is to get your hands on stuff and try it.  Everything here is useful to someone (and of reasonably good quality if you pick the right parts), otherwise no one would design/build/buy it. Whether it will work for you there is no way to tell, so if you can, try to borrow/rent some stuff.  There are lots of DIYers in Germany, why don't you ask someone close to you to let you borrow/rent one of those units? 
is this limited to DIY kits only?

IF not then I highly recomend the clm dynamics DB500 expounder.
"The Expounder can be used in several different ways: as a straight equaliser, as a dynamic filter, and as a frequency-conscious upwards expander - or as a combination of these things." They are sweet. picked one up recently and it does some pretty cool things. Would make a nice diy project.
Necro thread, but I had an email asking me if I would troubleshoot one of those Expounders. I told the guy I'd check to see if I could find any service info.

Build some MP573's, they're awesome. Build some API clones, either CAPI or the ML12 stuff. The PCB Gerbers for the ML12's are basically freely available. Build some of PCB Grinder's SSL 9000 preamps. If you can't find musical nirvana with those tools you need to find another line of work. ;)
Necro thread, but I had an email asking me if I would troubleshoot one of those Expounders. I told the guy I'd check to see if I could find any service info.

Brian, I can help you here, DM me.
For what it's worth, I can say publicly the unit is basically Tl072's and 5532/34, you know common opamp stuff and some vca's, I forget which off hand. When i got mine, I had issues but they run hot and replacing caps saved the day.
When they are running the sound quite good. I often thought it would make a great eq to have in a channel strip minus the dynamic tracking on the filters. The filters alone are pretty cool with their resonance control and the fact that they basically overlap to the point you can practically cut your signal, similar in how the harrison filters work in that regard.