- Why is C7 where it is, and not closer to R5? No need to shoehorn even a single trace between its pins, nevermind two
- Move R5 closer towards the middle of the board, or even flip it 180deg, and move C7 to the edge of the board, now that there's room there
- Why is the trace connecting R3 and R4 not a straight line?
- Speaking of which, swap their positions between them
- If you use a shorter footprint for D1, you'll gain back some board space that's otherwise wasted (maybe even move one or more electrolytics there, so as not to have so many traces snaking over to the other side of the board)
- Flip the trimmer around (rotate by 180deg)
- And since you connected its two ground pins together, there's no longer need for the separate trace connecting them
- Move R5 closer towards the middle of the board, or even flip it 180deg, and move C7 to the edge of the board, now that there's room there
- Why is the trace connecting R3 and R4 not a straight line?
- Speaking of which, swap their positions between them
- If you use a shorter footprint for D1, you'll gain back some board space that's otherwise wasted (maybe even move one or more electrolytics there, so as not to have so many traces snaking over to the other side of the board)
- Flip the trimmer around (rotate by 180deg)
- And since you connected its two ground pins together, there's no longer need for the separate trace connecting them