Need help sourcing a 2p5t rotary switch for a Roland SH09

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Apr 6, 2008
I'm just not having luck sourcing a part on my own so I thought I'd ask here. I need a 2p5t rotary switch break before make (i believe) with a knurled shaft for a Roland SH09. The 2p6t (or greater positions) rotary switches I've found that fit aren't adjustable. Anyone have a suggestion or a part they'd be willing to sell?

rocketattack said:
I'm just not having luck sourcing a part on my own so I thought I'd ask here. I need a 2p5t rotary switch break before make (i believe) with a knurled shaft for a Roland SH09. The 2p6t (or greater positions) rotary switches I've found that fit aren't adjustable. Anyone have a suggestion or a part they'd be willing to sell?

I take it you've tried the Lorlin type rotary switches? A 2p6t can be adjusted to 5 positions. Not knurled shaft though...
The Lorlins would functionally work, but not as a long term replacement. Thanks for the thought though. The ones I've come across are either not knurled (which I admit is an aesthetic/resale value issue) or shorting.

Actually, if anyone knows if a shorting rotary switch would be problematic for the range select switch, I'd appreciate the feedback. There's a plethora of 2p5t shorting switches on ebay. I thought the SH09 needed a non-shorting switch, which is why I haven't even attempted to install one.