Need help with guitar Distortion pedal schematic

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Active member
Jan 14, 2012
Hello ,I'm trying to make a guitar pedal based on the gain stage of Fender Bullet amp.I draw 2 schematics , but i dont know whitch is better .Can you check it for me please !
Thanks for advance !
sorry for my bad English!

this is the schematic
You don't want DC flowing through any of your pots, other than that it doesn't matter if you connect to VB or ground. For a guitar pedal anyway. The VB-connection is AC-wise grounded. But of course, R3 and Pin3 of the OP have to go to VB!

So, you could ground R4, the mids pot, C8, C10, the volume pot if C11 is in front of it as in the upper drawing. I would always choose ground when possible instead of VB. The bass pot should go to VB, because there is a DC path from the output of the opamp.
I would just move C11 and block dc from the output network:


R4 can connect to ground or Vb as it will not make any audible difference.

regards, Jack

It's reactance at 82Hz (low E on the guitar) is around 413 ohms, and that is not significant to the tone network. You could increase it to 10uf if you like.

regards, Jack