Neumann console block diagram needed

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diggy fresh

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Hi folks,

I'm rebuilding a custom console based on "danner" format modules and eurocards.

I'm looking for block diagrams of the signal path of some of these boards.
Any service manuals would be usefull as long as they used some w444 faders.

I'm particulary interested in the way the sends and returns were dealt with.

Was there any summing amps for the sends? And were the returns buffered?

I have some passive send/pan modules which i think are driven by the w444 faders. 

Also interested in how they used the relay cards.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Hi John,

You might have some luck over at the Lathe Trolls forum. Some are still in use by some people there. Probably your best bet.

Thanks Peter!

I'll try to inquire over there.

I found the manual of an older transistor model with passive fader and pev eqs but i need the ones with the active faders and w492 etc.

A service manual would be perfect but i just need some infos from someone who knows the console.

Anybody  pm me. I'd be even willing to pay.

Thank you silent:arts.  Very helpfull. For some reason i couldn't find was on kubarth all along.. ( this guy is a hero)

I have one question now, 

On top of page 7,  we see a w444 at the output ( a little square) , what is the amp before it. (A little square with a triangle in it).  I would guess it's a little  buffer amp for the output of the groups. 

Do you know what amp model this is?  Some universal module like v472 or similar?

Also, i don't see a summing amp.

Thanks for the helps guys.

Ah ok! Thanks silent:arts ! Makes sense!

So am i right to think there was a  summing amp channel (like half v475)  for each "group" outputs.  (Monitor 1, eff1, eff2 etc..)

If i get it right, it is : 

Line input--> eq ---->w444----> passive pan and send ( with summing resistor)
----busses ---- >summing amp (v475) --->  w444 (master or group) ---> output.

I have passive pan modules from a n20 with 2k2 ohm dual pots for the sends. (Driven by the w444stb).  Im guessing the sends combine into a summing amp for the output?

Thats my plan so far, am i on the right track?

Thanks guys

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