Which boards are you considering doing? The second AMS/Neve warranty refit only addressed the small fader block. The first was the entire module.
Has your board ever been done before?
How good are you with a desoldering tool?
It sounds like SPG and aurt have done this before, and I think that they would probably agree with me that it's not a good project for someone just starting out... you definately need to be reasonably experienced. -If you're well used to doing it, you'll be fine, but if this is your first project and you think it'd be clever to save some money by doing it yourself, I think we'd all agree you might be likely to cause more damage than you realise...
The small fader section in particular does contain a lot of CMOS logic, and old leaked electrolyte causes all sorts of wierd logic states. It tends to 'weep' from the old caps as they are heated up for removel, so frequently a module that was just re-capped can misbehave for completely 'invisible' reasons. I recommend Q-tip and alcohol for every location where a cap has been removed, before replacing it.
I only mention this because you're new here (welcome, by the way!!!) and we don't know if you're very good at this or new to teching....