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[quote author="Harpo"][quote author="vertiges"]I thought the cap in the feedback loop acted like a low pass filter and was facultative. I thought that if its value was reduced, a lost of hi frequencies will occur.
I don't understand why you have to change the value of the components around if you change the "gain pot".[/quote]
Hi vertiges,
the voltage gain of this non-inverting amp is 1+(Rfb / Rshunt) where Rshunt is the resistor to gnd in series with your potentiometer wired as rheostat. For 4,7k feedback resistor, 47R at gnd and 4,7k pot your voltage gain is varying between 101 (pot value 0R=max.gain) and 1,99 (pot value 4,7k=min.gain*) or 40dB to 6dB.
The cap across the feedback resistor forms a lowpass filter.
The corner frequency where the signal is dropped by -3dB is calculated by 1 / (2xPi() x Rfb x Cfb) with R in Ohm and C in Farad.
If you fill in the alternative parts couple from Bo's quote (4,7k/470pF, 10k/220pF, 22k/100pF...) your formula looks like 1/(2*Pi()* 4700 * 0,000000000470) resulting in about 72kHz.
This 72kHz is the frequency at wich your signal has dropped -3dB (voltage gain of 0,707). You most probably wont hear the 72kHz, but this filter only has a 6dB/oct. slope, so your interest might by, what is the loss at 20kHz.
Voltage gain at 20kHz for this is 1 / (squareroot (1+ (20000Hz / Lpf-frequency)^2)), giving 0,963. This loss in dB is log10(0,963)*20, giving -0,32dB. The introduced phase error at 20kHz for this Lpf is at Arctan(20000Hz / Lpf-freqency) * 180 / Pi(), giving 15,5°. (phase at 72kHz is 45°).
Same goes for the cap between gnd and Rshunt, but this forms a highpass filter.
The -3dB cutoff frequency for 47R and 1000uF is (same formula as above 1/(2*Pi()*R*C) 3,4Hz. (The highpass filter asumes worst case condition (value of potentiometer = 0). If you add up the 4,7k from the pot to the 47R (giving 4747R), this hpf goes down to 0,03Hz)
Your interest may be the loss at 20Hz, giving 1 / (squareroot (1+ (Hpf-frequency / 20Hz)^2)), giving voltage gain of 0,986 or -0,12dB. Phase error for this Hpf at 20Hz is -Arctan(Hpf-freqency / 20Hz) * 180 / Pi(), giving -9,6°. (phase at 3,4Hz is -45°).
edit: corrected example pot value from 22k to 4,7k[/quote]
I have another question... :roll:
Those caps have an other function ? I mean like blocking DC ?
I'm asking because I just don't understand why using a Hi-pass and a low-pass in this circuit... So the answer is maybe we need to block some DC current, and we have to calculate the values of the caps for being sure they don't cut anything between 20 and 20000 Hz... am I wrong ?
And about the cap on the Feedback loop... It's calculated for giving +/- 0 dB loss at 20 Hz and 20kHz. Does this circuit induce something we don't wanna hear like weird hi/low frequencies phenomenons or something like that ?
Thanks a lot !
I don't understand why you have to change the value of the components around if you change the "gain pot".[/quote]
Hi vertiges,
the voltage gain of this non-inverting amp is 1+(Rfb / Rshunt) where Rshunt is the resistor to gnd in series with your potentiometer wired as rheostat. For 4,7k feedback resistor, 47R at gnd and 4,7k pot your voltage gain is varying between 101 (pot value 0R=max.gain) and 1,99 (pot value 4,7k=min.gain*) or 40dB to 6dB.
The cap across the feedback resistor forms a lowpass filter.
The corner frequency where the signal is dropped by -3dB is calculated by 1 / (2xPi() x Rfb x Cfb) with R in Ohm and C in Farad.
If you fill in the alternative parts couple from Bo's quote (4,7k/470pF, 10k/220pF, 22k/100pF...) your formula looks like 1/(2*Pi()* 4700 * 0,000000000470) resulting in about 72kHz.
This 72kHz is the frequency at wich your signal has dropped -3dB (voltage gain of 0,707). You most probably wont hear the 72kHz, but this filter only has a 6dB/oct. slope, so your interest might by, what is the loss at 20kHz.
Voltage gain at 20kHz for this is 1 / (squareroot (1+ (20000Hz / Lpf-frequency)^2)), giving 0,963. This loss in dB is log10(0,963)*20, giving -0,32dB. The introduced phase error at 20kHz for this Lpf is at Arctan(20000Hz / Lpf-freqency) * 180 / Pi(), giving 15,5°. (phase at 72kHz is 45°).
Same goes for the cap between gnd and Rshunt, but this forms a highpass filter.
The -3dB cutoff frequency for 47R and 1000uF is (same formula as above 1/(2*Pi()*R*C) 3,4Hz. (The highpass filter asumes worst case condition (value of potentiometer = 0). If you add up the 4,7k from the pot to the 47R (giving 4747R), this hpf goes down to 0,03Hz)
Your interest may be the loss at 20Hz, giving 1 / (squareroot (1+ (Hpf-frequency / 20Hz)^2)), giving voltage gain of 0,986 or -0,12dB. Phase error for this Hpf at 20Hz is -Arctan(Hpf-freqency / 20Hz) * 180 / Pi(), giving -9,6°. (phase at 3,4Hz is -45°).
edit: corrected example pot value from 22k to 4,7k[/quote]
I have another question... :roll:
Those caps have an other function ? I mean like blocking DC ?
I'm asking because I just don't understand why using a Hi-pass and a low-pass in this circuit... So the answer is maybe we need to block some DC current, and we have to calculate the values of the caps for being sure they don't cut anything between 20 and 20000 Hz... am I wrong ?
And about the cap on the Feedback loop... It's calculated for giving +/- 0 dB loss at 20 Hz and 20kHz. Does this circuit induce something we don't wanna hear like weird hi/low frequencies phenomenons or something like that ?
Thanks a lot !