Adjustment pots=cool. I broke one of those little black ones once, and learned my lesson. Gently now. Anyhow, the bias adjustment on the master card and each channel card uses a 20 turn pot which isn't as fragile.
ricardo. I think I phrased something badly. I meant that I was playing (injecting?) a tone into the machine, recording it, and monitoring it off the repro head. I was not merely playing a tone from a test tape. When I say "seems like it works fine at 30ips", I mean that I can (sort of) clearly find a point where the bias peaks.
Ok. So.
For alignment, I'm working with a full, original copy of the manual for this machine, an almost perfectly calibrated HP 8903b, a Tektronix 212, a new MRL test tape, and a plastic screwdriver and hex key. When I got the machine, I had someone who used to be an authorized service tech for Otari who was familiar with MX-70s to check it out and do a full mechanical and electrical calibration and alignment, and we put on a new pinch roller from Athan. Since then, I have been the only person doing any sort of alignment. I have never needed to turn any of the adjustment pots very far from where they were, and most of the time, I don't need to turn them at all. The only exception being the bias controls on the master audio control card and on the channel cards. The bias coils have never, to my knowledge, been adjusted.
The bias procedure in the manual, which I follow very precisely every time (since I am an amateur as far as multitrack machines go) clearly states 'inject a 10khz sine wave at +4dbm'. Maybe this is where my problems started. Maybe every time I adjusted the bias I put it a little further away from where it should be. Playbacks have gotten progressively noisier- could this be a reason for increased tape hiss?
I tried injecting a lower level signal (-4dbm) and this seemed to help a bit bias peaks were slightly easier to see (on the VU), and the 8903 would peak at a certain voltage at the same time.
I guess I'm still a little unclear on a few things.
Say I start out biasing and the meter reads -20 on the VU, WAY overbiased. I turn the channel bias pot counter-clockwise until it peaks. I continue to turn CCW, and at a certain point, the needle stops and the voltage stays the same, no matter how much more I turn the pot. What is happening HERE. What is that point, and what does that mean? It seems like it happens awfully close to the bias peak to me, which may mean nothing.
I can't seem to clearly state my other question right now, which is probably fine, considering how much I just gave you to read.
Thanks everyone.