That's a bit of "a blessing and a curse", when it comes to ready-made electronic kits
On one hand, yes, it's great to not have to scavenge & order & dig for all the components. On the other hand, if you just "follow the recipe", and connect the parts, and it all just works, you won't have learned much (if anything). So you'll have no idea why or how it all works.
If it happens to not work, you're stuck

That's quite definitely why, with no hint of malice, Dave (from EEVblog), whenever adressing beginners, hopes that their first projects DON'T work

That's because that'll require troubleshooting, and that's where learning both comes from, and is needed in
rockinrob86 i'm totally with you on that approach! ;D Much (if not all) of my analog designs in the past were bits & pieces from various circuits, used as building blocks

Active filters, balanced line receivers & drivers, etc. Rod Elliott's got a
pretty great site, rich both in simple but useful projects, and plenty of informative articles, starting from the very basics up some really funky concepts.