Try to narrow down where the noise is coming from. I posted this several times in the thread, but the basic steps are:
1) First make sure you have a low impedance ground: with everything powered off, check the resistance between ground on the PSU PCB and all ground points in the mike body, including all parts of the outside shell. You should have less than 0.1 ohms everywhere in the mike
2) Make a small length of wire with two small alligator clips, one on each end
3) Clip one end to ground on the PCB
4) Starting at the 'output' hard ground different points in the circuit: then measure noise
a) the output of the coupling cap (where it enters the transformer) - it should be dead silent
b) the grid of the tube - this should only output the self noise of the tube
c) the capsule connection - this should only be the noise of the tube + HiZ components
You should be able to see the noise contribution of each stage this way.