JessJackson said:
Tim Campbell said:
Dear Jess,
Yes, you tie the backplates together. If you get no signal something is very wrong. Did you try the mic with the other capsule?
You must be very gentle when soldering the solder tags. All these screws thread into plastic. If they are over heated at all the screws can become loose. Check that the screws are snug (but don't overtighten them).
Scroll through the pattern selector and see if you get any signal in omni or figure 8.
If you can hear the amplifier then you have a missing connection rather than a short. A picture might help.
Thanks Tim,
I just checked all continuity, Everything is fine. When soldering the capsule I was very quick and made great connections.
Although one thing i just noticed. On the schematic ( )
It shows Front Capsule going to R16 (30M) and Rear Capsule going to GRND
On my circuit board RC PIN goes to R16 and FC seems to be on grnd. although this would just reverse the capsule.
I found that i had accidently r17 and r13 swapped values, so i switched them just now. about to try it.
I thought I had fixed that schematic.

The PCB is correct: the "front capsule" should be grounded. The capsule doesn't care either way it's just the patterns will be switched front to back.
I'm not convinced that the polarization changes make any difference, but I haven't A/B'ed them in a scientific manner either. In one case, the capsule "sees" -60V by having 120V on the back diaphragm and 60V on the center diaphragm. In the other case, it's zero and +60V, or the exact same bias flipped in polarity. I don't think the capsule cares either way.
Now using the capsule as the grid coupling element (eliminating the coupling cap) probably makes much more of a sonic difference (comparing the 251 to the C12). For those who are looking for cardioid/omni only it may be possible to hack up the design to achieve this: I'll give it some thought.