HI, is it possible to use a toroidal transformer( sec : 270V-0 , 14V-0) from Musikding ( the above link) in a dual Orange 86 with DC heaters.
If it's possible, what changes would I have to do with the PSU. I have already the suggested Edcor PT, but I think thats too big and heavy for my 2U rack case, which has a very thin backplate and cannot support the Edcor as it is. Of course I could modify the rack case for the Edcor PT but w/toroid the case would be strong enough.
By the way, I'd like to know how other builders have mounted the PT and OT's. Would it be better to mount the OT's outside the chassis(in a 90 degrees angle)?
I would greatly appreciate your info!
Regards, Jyrki
P.S. Is there prebuild cases for Orange86 anywhere?