Peavey "Undercover Boss"

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
Maine USA
Peavey "Undercover Boss"

Made-up "reality" show "Undercover Boss" has the Boss dress-up as a trainee and take low-level jobs inside his company to find out how his workers are screwing-up his plans.

Of course the Boss can't handle actual-work near as good as the average trainee, nevermind the seasoned workers the producers find.

It always turns out that the workers go above-and-beyond, despite corporate blunders, and their own personal challenges.

At the end the Boss reveals himself to those workers, complements them, and gifts them toward their personal needs. Maybe initiates improvements in the company.

The companies can't be too small or too large, the script won't fit. This leads to a lot of mid-line companies you never heard of.

Tonight it was Peavey. A "who??" for 98% of the viewers, but folks here know Peavey.

I heard "Hartley" but the Boss was too middle-age to be him. It was Courtland Grey, apparently Peavey's current COO. (Apparently one of the workers idolizes Hartley and was telling Courtland about him.) However apparently Hartley is spying on Courtland....


I didn't catch the whole show but anybody wondering how Peavey management is doing, or wanting to laugh at a Boss, might want to watch. Aside from inevitable summer re-runs, there will be on-demand at the website (a week late).

Some ruckus because shortly after the filming, Peavey announced lay-offs.
Same story everywhere.  Peavey made good affordable gear that can't compete with cheaper gear.    The business model can't move into the future and more and more people loose a job and should have moved along before this happened. 
Music gear is not as necessary as it once use to be.    Tough changing world.  Globalization 3.0.  Just make music on your smart phone  with a Peavy amp model.  Who needs gear anyway.
I watched it and deleted my way too long post... (too  much info)

Unfortunately it appears all too real...

I feel sorry for all the workers laid off. Peavey was a major employer in the area.

  Does no one ever recognize a bad wig ? 

.......and I don't that I've ever thought of peavey as having their finger on the pulse!
Just sad seeing good people lose there job.

As far as forward thinking,  Peavey bought the rights to what became media matrix back in early nineties.  Pretty  advanced for the time period.    Lots of systems installed in stadiums,  churches and original design was for congress sound reinforcement with high security and amazing features.

But that said you watch a show like this and the title No country for old men,  comes  to mind.    Ah  Progress!
fazer said:
Just sad seeing good people lose there job.

As far as forward thinking,  Peavey bought the rights to what became media matrix back in early nineties.  Pretty  advanced for the time period.    Lots of systems installed in stadiums,  churches and original design was for congress sound reinforcement with high security and amazing features.

But that said you watch a show like this and the title No country for old men,  comes  to mind.    Ah  Progress!
Yup Peak Audio from CO did the media matrix design... I recall the first dog and pony show inside peavey where they demo's a PC basically just showing the drag and drop graphic interface and saying trust me it works.  8)

Peavey's interest was getting a hook to sell speakers and amps into the big install business. The sound consultants hated  spec'ing  Peavey but couldn't afford to not spec mediamatrix.
